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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

One red light flashes on your Xbox 360 console

Some of us suddenly when we turn on our Xbox 360 console one day we got one red light flashes on the ROL (Ring of Light) around the Xbox 360 power button, and we got an Error message appearing on the TV screen "System error" also might occur with any error code like E66, E67, E68, E71, E74 or E77, all the same.

When you get any of these messages appearing on your screen with one red light flashing on the ROL of your Xbox 360 console that's an indicator of a hardware problem with the console connection to one of the parts connected to it as the hard drive or cables.

So, first disconnect all power and AV cables from the back of your Xbox 360 console and also unplug the power cord from the wall socket, wait for a minute then reconnect them all back and try to turn on your Xbox 360 console once more.

If that doesn't work, it seems then to be a fault with your Xbox 360 hard drive so turn off the console again and remove the hard drive then turn on your Xbox 360 console without the hard drive, supposed then to work fine, it might be an intermittent issue and when you reconnect the hard drive your Xbox 360 will work fine all after, or it will just work fine without the hard drive so it will be then definitely a fault with your Xbox 360 hard drive so call Xbox 360 customer support to exchange the hard drive for you.

The Xbox 360 console might even keep giving you the same error code even after you remove the hard drive so it will then appear to be a fault with your Xbox 360 console not the hard drive & also in a case like this we need to contact Xbox 360 customer support to exchange the console.

If you have any inquiries about any issue like this please don't hesitate to leave a comment it will go directly to my inbox.


zach said...

Hey i have a Xbox360 and i do have a red light flashing but i dont get a System Error e-mail me at

Anonymous said...

Hey Zack,
Basically, this is the first time anybody tells me that he got one out of the four quadrants flashing red without an error message even here at Microsoft there is no issue specified this way!!

So let me ask you something, are you sure it was only one out of the four quadrants flashing red or it may be two or three, check it and tell me..
If it's two check:
if three:

Sure Zack if it's only one quadrant check the steps here in this page I'm sure it'll be really helpful, but i believe no way it's one red light flashing and there is no error message, but it might happen it's anXbox 360 at the end lol!

Any way, if you want to ask about any thing else leave me a comment on the blog so all of us and our friends will get benefit of it.

Must dash now, cheers.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, I am starting to hear a lot of these one flashing red light. I had only the 3 red lights and I found a good solution for this problem in a tech support site. Recently I noticed they have a solution for the e74 error. They probably have solutions for Zack problem as well I suggest you guys take a look.

Anonymous said...

thankx alot 4 the info

Anonymous said...

thanx alot 4 the info

Anonymous said...

Well i have one red flashing light and I have tried everything. I even brought it to my friends house on his 360 and my cords worked and my hard drive works because it still would have Error message screen on my tv with and without my hard drive inserted. Can you please tell me what I can do?

Anonymous said...

Actually you'll need to contact the Xbox 360 customer support to service or repair your Xbox 360 console.

Anonymous said...

Hello there yes i have error number E74 and that picture you had was exactley the same on my xbox 360.Takes up to a month to fix my xbox 360
thats not good enough!
please email


Anonymous said...

Yeh hi, ummmm, I've spent alot of work on my hard drive, getting 5735 Gamerscore in nine games. So I'm worried about sending it away for a replacement. Can I get it fixed before the 16 of September, with all my achievemnets and stuff still there. Maybe a local games shop, EB or Harvey Norman. But please help me out!!!!
E-mail at

Thanks loads

Anonymous said...

hi zachen, how is it going today?

Well, first of all I think it would be impossible even if you send it today to receive it before the 16th, I'm sorry to tell you so but anyone would tell you a different thing will be lying!!

And about your achievements and gamerscore you can just send your Xbox 360 to get repaired without sending the HDD so you'll keep all your data with no harm, as the problem eventually with the console not the HDD.

hope that would help, please don't hesitate to contact me if you still have any further inquires.


Unknown said...

I bought the Elite 360 YESTERDAY! As in September 5th today being September 6th. I bought xbox live today and go to sign in and it asks me to update and as im doing that BLAM I get a red ring with E74 error. Fucking bullshit. I think its time to visit the playstation

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,

Sorry to hear that you are facing an issue with your new Xbox Elite.

But did you try it without the Hard drive?
You can visit the link below and try those steps:

Most of the times it's a hard drive issue. So if the console works fine without the hard drive attached, you can just call the Xbox support and ask for a new hard drive (If this hard drive is the one that came with your Xbox).
I hope this might help.

Good Luck,

Anonymous said...

Yeh hey me again. Well thanks for your supprt anyway I guess. But while the Xbox 360 was being repaired while I sent it. I went to a friends house then he accidentally broke it. So... Maybe I can send it then it'll go to my uncles place which is where I'm going on the 16th. But how long will it take if I send it soon? Also how much. My friend has agreed to pay for it but we don't know if we can fix it at a local Games Store. If that won't work then he's getting me a new one. But we'll have to do that quick if I want that impossible gamerscore again. Well thanks for the help man... Laters.

PS: Im experiencing E68

Anonymous said...

Hi Zachen,

Sorry to hear that your Xbox 360 broke again.
Check this link for the E68 error message:

If this didn't help you'll need to send the console to be repaired so either call the Xbox Support or create the repair order online if you are in USA through this link :

You'll need first to check with the Xbox 360 support the warranty of your console to know if you're in warranty or out of warranty.

Regarding the repair turnaround it is from 3-4 weeks and if you want the console to be delivered to your uncle's place, you'll need to get it picked up from that address so that the courrier delivers it back to the same address.

I hope that helps.
Bye now,

Anonymous said...

Hey. The other day when I put a disk in my Xbox 360, one red light was flashing. However, since that incident about a week ago, the lights have been green the few times I played it. I tend to think my games have been running slower, but that might just me me worrying. Since the one red light did appear, should I call Xbox and see if I need to get a new one? I don't want to wait a month or two, have it break, and have to start my games all over. My current Xbox 360 is my 3rd one. Thanks for any advice you have.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

As you are not facing any red lights now, it seems the Xbox 360 is fine.

If you feel you can use the console as it is, keep it. If not call the Xbox support.

And regarding the games you played and the acheivements you got don't worry about them because they are saved on the Hard drive or the memory unit so just don't send your Hard drive or memory unit and you won't lose your saved games.

I hope that helps.
Bye now,

Anonymous said...

Got my XBOX 360, first problem was that i could not get on line with it, i called support and all they could tell me that my router is not compatible. WRONG> i had to do itmyself with port forwarding and such. Now, i am getting E68 error. I am told that i have to send in my drive and wait 4-6 weeks for repair. The console is 1 day old, and I have to pay for shipping for a repair and be out the harddrive for 4-6 weeks. There goes HALO 3 on release day. And the person that i spoke to could barely speak english. Anything that i can do? Any help would be great. if you can respond to "sgroi135 at"

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

First let me ask you a favor, regardless what that person at the support team told you I need you to read this page and to try the steps written on it.

Ya, again please.

I know you've tried all these steps before but just to double check can you try again, the important part is to try it with and without the HDD.

Most of the times it's a problem with the HDD so it only occurs when the HDD is attached, if so you just need to contact Xbox 360 customer support and ask for a new HDD without sending yours or paying a penny for it.

if it's happening with or without the HDD then there is no choice I'm sorry you'll need to send the Xbox 360 console itself but still in such case you don't need to send the HDD.

Hopefully that would help and please feed me back,

Anonymous said...

I followed all the information it still dont work. I actually bought the 120 gig today and works with no problem, plug in the 20 and it gets the error so i know that it is the hdd. When i was on the phone with them, they told me that they would not send me one. I had to send in mine for repair. I told them to send me one and i would send mine back so that i didnt have to wait 4-6 weeks. The guy who could barely speak nor understand English told me no. I asked for a supervisor and he just plain refused. I have to admit at this point i got really nasty on the phone cause he was not helping, only saying to mail in the drive. I asked him where and he told me to look online, i told him that i could not that i wanted him to give me the address and he said that i would have to goto I told him that he should be able to get me te address. He said that i would have to send it to Austin Tx, i asked him for the address and he said that he didnt know. I finally screamed at him and he got me the address which took him almost 5 minutes.

You are saying that all i have to do is ask for a new drive and they will just send to me? Please tell me where to call because i dont get anywhere with them on the phone. I hate it when i call tech support and i know more than they do. Sorry for the rant, but i is just annoying. Over $600 for the console and such and it wont work. Then i had to go an spend another $180 for a HDD. I needed the system up today. and i needed to be able to get on LIVE.

Thanks for the help. Any further direction would be great!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I really feel sorry for that inconvenience you've been facing.
But I was talking about the UK support, I didn't know you live in the USA.
They follow different procedures in each country.
And I see that you'll need to send your Hard drive as the Xbox Support advised.
Try to make it as quick as you can to get the Xbox back in the game.

Bye now,

Anonymous said...

Just bought an Xbox and I have the E68 Error message. I pulled the hard drive and the system works fine. I called Xbox support explained the problem to them and they told me to mail the whole damn console to them. Needless to say i'm not pleased. It's obvious there is something wrong with the hard disk.

Anonymous said...

I had the same prob. As you can see the post before you.
I bought a new hdd the 120 and there is no prob with it. You dont have to send the whole console in. You can send just the hdd so thatthey can replace it. And you can still use the unit without the drive. I went and bought the new hdd cause i had to get on live with it. Not sure if you can get on live with just a memory card. might be cheaper. but not sure.

Anonymous said...

ya Jeremy as he said you must call the support now to send your old HDD and get a new one in exchange if you are in the US, but if you are anywhere around Europe they will just send you the new HDD without sending yours.

Anonymous said...

hey umm well my x box is doing this and it does say E 74 but when i dissconnect it and try to hook it back up it continues to give me the error message...

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
As we said before if you try it without the HDD and it works so the problem is just with the HDD call the support and ask for a replacement, but if it does the same regardless the HDD connected or not it will be directly a fault withe actual Xbox 360 console also conatct the support but this time to send your console to get repaired or exchanged for you.

must dash now.

Anonymous said...

@Xbox360 support.

My console is currently dead with 0102 (3 lights) and E74 error. Anyway, when I went online to report this I found that unlike the US we are 'forced' to ring tech support (by all accounts actually based in india or something) and go through a long winded process of double checking (hey i've quadruple checked EVERYTHING there is to do already short of opening the console to fix it myself with an xclamp/reball/better cooling).. obv I've not done that because I don't want to void my warranty.

Now I hear we also don't get the turnaround service like the us (the box sent out, postage paid etc) so what exactly do you expect the UK folks to do? Do we have to source some suitable box (pay for it) then PAY for postage all for something that is a design flaw that should have a recall never mind us being out of pocket!

I just wonder why the US get's treated more fairly and we have to bend over backwards in the UK. YOU know there is a problem with the consoles and it is YOUR error and therefore you should be collecting/paying/not forcing us to jump through hoops to return our consoles.

I did everything I could to treat my console well, never moved, powerpack on it's own hard surface, very well ventilated, never 'overused' for hours on end and I still got the problem.

Please don't mention removing the HDD as that was the FIRST thing I (and any idiot) would try... process of elimination.

A lot of users are well aware that there is an inherent flaw in the design of the console (the clamps, poorly secured motherboard/flexing, poor cooling of components in general) and is nothing we have done ourselves. This is a £300 piece of electronics we are talking about here, not some cheap digital watch...

I fear getting someone elses refurbed console back, in a worst cosmetic state than my 'pristine' system and for it only to die again (as many do). I hear even elites suffer from it so it's still not been fixed at MS so what hope from a refurb?

This is seriously bad business, a lot of us players gave MS slack because we wanted them to do well against those arrogant sony idiots but the sheer number of faulty consoles is beyond belief (they are ALL faulty don't think otherwise, some just haven't died yet!).

So rather than go to the hassle of returning the console, should I just throw it in the bin and forget all about MS consoles in future?

Any chance of getting my money back because you sure as hell don't seem capable of actually fixing them (some people are on their 7th! repair!).

Anonymous said...

Hi, First of all iam in canada and am not sure if i have to follow the same procedure for support as people in the US.

Secondaly recently my 360 has started to get an E 68 error and when i restart it 3-4 times, it starts to work fine. It only happens when i turn it on for the first time in any given day....after that it works fine for the rest of the day....

so ill try to remove the hard disk for when i turn it on tomorrow morning....

its like the overnight rest period does something to the xbox and makes it give the E68 message the next day....after that it works fine till the next day.

Anonymous said...

btw i have another warranty is till the end of this year but if i remember correctly microsoft increases it by 2 it doesnt show in my account details when i log in to the warranty and support page.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Actually the Xbox supports all customers in all launched countries.
And you are not forced to ring the technical support to report a fault. You can send them an email or if the console needs repair you can create a repair order over this link:

Basically if you need to send the console for repair if you Xbox is under warranty you won't pay a pence for the repair even the shippment fees are covered by microsoft (THIS IS IF YOUR XBOX IS STILL UNDER WARRANTY)
But if your Xbox is out of warranty you'll pay for the repair and a courrier will collect the Xbox from you and deliver it back again after repair.
You only need to get a box to pack your console in.

If you review the above comment you'd know that USA customers are not treated in a better way.
And also another thing to prove to you that USA customers are not treated more fairly.
For example if a UK customer faces any issue with the hard drive (If that hard drive was still under warranty and came in the Xbox package) he won't send it first and wait for the replacement as what happens in USA. Microsoft send you a new one without bothering you with sending the faulty one.

And regarding repairing the console or getting another one it's your Xbox and you make the decision and do whatever you prefer.

Wishing you the best of luck,
Bye now,

Anonymous said...

Hi Nash,

First, I think that Canada customers follow the same procedures as the USA customers and you can call the Xbox support to double check this.

Secondly, as you say you can try your Xbox 360 without the Hard drive to see is it an issue with the console itself or the Hard drive.

Actually the warranty is one year for any issue the Xbox might have except the three red lights issue as Microsoft extended the warranty to 3 years if you face the "THREE RED LIGHTS" ONLY.


Anonymous said...

@Xbox360support. Thanks for the info, i'm the 'anon' who posted above (ranting but through mild anger and frustration) I honestly didn't know about the link @

Because when I tried it on it said 'outside of US you can call this number' and saw no obvious link but I admit I didn't look that hard at the time.

As for the box thing, that's not biggy if the shipment is paid, WOuld the original console box be ok for this as I still have everything just as it arrived?

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
thank you for your words first, and let me tell you something, you may not receive the same ox when you send the Xbox 360 to Microsoft, so I think it would be better to keep your original box of your prduct instead of losing it.

Am I right?? :-)


Anonymous said...

OK, will find another box.

I've had the email through with the UPS label.

It says to click to find nearest location to drop the parcel off.. hmm the nearest is 200 miles away from where I live!

So, do I call the number (UPS) and arrange for a pick up when I have it ready to ship, and is this part going to be free? (which is my original concern).

To be fair there wasn't much detail during the online repair claim as to what you actually had to do (courier/packing) and the email is very vague as it doesn't actually say anything other than give the label/receipt and the locator... no mention of costs or lack of etc.

thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Regarding your concern, the shippment is for free (Don't worry you won't pay for UPS)

Basically all you have to do is to put your console in any box you don't need (NOT THE ORIGINAL BOX it came in) with NO CABLES, NO ACCESSORIES, NO POWER SUPPLY, NO GAMES AND NO HARD DRIVE.

Then print this label and stick it on the outside of the box.
Call UPS to arrange for the pick up when you have your Xbox ready.

(PLEASE DON'T SEND ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE XBOX 360 because you won't get them back)


Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the confirmation. I didn't intend to send anything back other than the console unit itself but again the details were a bit scarce.

It was mainly the UPS thing, I didn't want them turning up and asking me for £40 for shipping or something!

thanks. I've already got the label and just got to find a sturdy box now.

Anonymous said...

read thru all comments.
turned on my 360 today,went into marketplace for a browse,started to download something when console froze.i turned it off via main button as no joy with pad,as i turned it on again it went straight to 360 logo and thats when i got lower red light and error msg,the msg didnt actually stay on for long enough for me to get the code.i turned the console off at the socket and back on again,were now it works fine,didnt get chance to do any of the tests with hdd or mem unit etc as it worked fine,contacted support anyway who advised its now fine,ive got my warranty til november,am i best off sending it in or do you think it will be ok?? 1st time ive had a problem really,didnt find tech support that helpful as most other 'investors' on here have stated and felt i just got fobbed off!! any advice would be much appreciated

chris d

Anonymous said...


only 1 red light,lower right segment! turned off console at socket,turned it back on,all fine,didnt get chance to do any of the lead or hdd/mu tests! warranty up in november,do you think i should get it looked at,not that i enjoy the thought of being 360 free for 6 weeks or do you think the console will be fine now?? first time this has happened and no other probs either.
any advice would be greatly appreciated
many thanks
chris d

Mike Fuller said...

Yah... I had the same issue 102 I believe (3 red lights) Did x-clamp replacement mod. this worked for a few months. then got the e74 code. read all over how you couldn't fix it. Loosened my heatsinks and re-tightened. Fix the issue. Just happened again last night (different sub code) loosened again and retightened. It's all to do with the initial fault of the GPU disconnecting from the mobo.

If it's out of warranty do one of the x-clamp mods and you will be up an running in minutes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

As the support told you, there is no problem and you don't have to send your console even to check it there.

Any device must have a day when it crash as far as I've dealt with them :)

Anyway hopefully that would never occur again or it might be a serious problem by then.


Anonymous said...

Hi Adrenaline,

Great thanks for your comment it's really a helpful one, hope to see your comments again on another page of our blog.


Anonymous said...

At first I thought the entire ramble about xbox 360 being a sub quality system was just a rant from playstation fans, but now, unfortunately I agree with them. From day one I’ve had problems with the slot sticking, brand new games apparently unreadable right out of the packaging, and the system freezing in the middle of a game. This is unacceptable.

Now, finally, the day has come to own an xbox360 because Halo 3 is available. But what happens? I put the brand new game in my 360 and what do I see? The ring of death. This game is the only reason I bought a 360 instead of a PS3. What a great decision…Now I have to wait even longer to play the game of games.

I’m not even sure how long of a wait I’m facing because the individual whom I spoke with on the phone could barely speak English, and I go tired of asking him, or her, “I couldn’t tell what they were” to repeat themselves. Every time I would ask a different question I would get an irrelevant answer. I’m so glad Microsoft employs only knowledgeable, fluent customer service representatives…Oh wait, apparently they don’t. So do they really care about customer service, or are they more concerned with saving money by directing our calls to India. Can’t they at least redirect our calls to an English speaking nation?

I thought that I had it bad, but after reading all the other posts I guess I’m lucky that my 360 lasted nine months. It could have very well broken on the first day…

A newly converted PLAYSTATION fan.

Anonymous said...

ok i was playing halo3(I was about 5 minutes into it) when my screen started to go all blurry. I restarted the 360 and it was still blury. I moved my xbox to another tv thinking it was well my tv but then i got the errror message E 74 which from what I've read is a hardware failure. I disconected all my cables and accesories controllers too, numerous times(yes that includes my hard drive) and it still doesnt work.Its a new one too.(About a week new)This is my second 360 console. So whats my best bet.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kyle,

Sorry to hear that you're having an issue with your new Xbox 360 and I see that your best bet now is to call the Xbox Support. They have to service your console.
Try contact them to see if they'll exchange or repair the console for you.

Bye now,

Anonymous said...

Hey I got my xbox about last christmas which suck cos now im out of warranty, or nearly, now i did the suggested above, but sadly to no avail. I'm thinking that it is to do with my AV cable, as i dunno if it is working or not, although the system error is coming up fine. Once or twice the normal startup comes on, but the image is very blurred. Any ideas? Although it might just be my AV cable, as the E74 message is clear as daylight.
From Chris Murray Ireland

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

Basically, I don't think it's even near to be a problem with your AV cable, usually one red light flashes then the Hard drive is faulty or the actual Xbox 360 console, if it was four red lights then it will have to do with you AV cable but now just try your console with and without the Hard Drive and contact Xbox support team to even send the console to get repaired or replace the Hard Drive depending on whether the console works without the Hard Drive normally or not.


Anonymous said...

The problem I'm having is I bought an Xbox core system without a harddrive. About 5 months back I bought a 120g harddrive and just yesterday I got the error message. I sent in my xbox because it was also giving me a message saying to play this disc put it in an Xbox console. Even without the hard drive. I get my xbox back and now it still won't read the hardrive. I called customer "support" (more like unsupport) and the same forgein male/female this is helping everyone told me I have to eat the 190$, There is nothing he can do. Now this is alot of money for a system and hardrive. I don't want to have to spend another 190$ on a hardrive and beside that I'm worryed about my game saves. I'm about 7 hours into Assassin's Creed and I know I can get my Gamerscore and Everything else back but I want my game saves. You can always recover a gamertag online but my hours spent on that game can not be repacled. My question is:
1: Is there anything I can do to get another harddrive outta Microsoft?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Basically, here in the UK it's alot easier I don't know where you are from but here as you just bought the HDD from 5 month you can exchange it directly from the retailer and if he refused to do so you can then ask Microsoft to exchange it and we they will do so immediately.

Seems for me you are from the states but anyway I anywhere around the globe you have always the option to exchange a faulty device within a specific period I mean you must had got some sort of warranty with any device or accessory you buy.

Even if it's not possible to exchange from the retailer I believe Microsoft should do as they are doing so in the UK, give it another try and feed me back ok?
C U.

Anonymous said...

hello, i got the rol in the bottom right quadrent if lokking at the consel horrisontally. i heard about the towel trick is that BS or is it a fix for 5 days untill the box comes

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

About the towel trick again, well somehow it works but always it will be a temporarily resolution for the issue, but it's not always even working.

You can try it but if you tried what steps on this page and it still won't work you should send your console for repair anyway.

Hopefully it will work for you.
C U.

Anonymous said...

ok my problem is that it shows 1 3 and 4 red light what do i do iv tried every thing the mem unit still works its the rest of the 360 im worried about

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

What I get from your words is that there is an issue with the Xbox 360 itself not the hard drive or the memory unit.
So what you have to do if you face any of these three issues again is to try the troubleshooting steps and if it didn't help just contact the Xbox Support to service your console.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

Hi, i have gotten the E68 error before whilst playing oblivion (i was about 60 hours into it!) and it froze while auto saving and i got 1 red light and the HDD died, the console worked fine without it and i phoned up customer support and they sent me a new HDD straight out (i live in the u.k). Now everything was fine with the new drive over the past 4 months but now i decided to try oblivion again (this time got 20 hours in) and bang E68 again when it was autosaving, now my new HDD is dead, tried all the steps and gonna have to call Bill's boys again. But is this a problem my console is causing or just that copy of oblivion or just bad luck with HDD'S?

Anonymous said...

hey my xbox has the 1 ring thing too and my warrenty is up do they replace my x box or do i still have to pay for a new one

also how long does it take to get an xbox fixed and how much does it cost

Anonymous said...

Hi stumpy,

Basically if it's one red light only and your Xbox 360 is out of warranty you'll need to pay for the repair.

I believe the repair turnaround is from 3 to 4 weeks.
And regarding the repair cost it'd be much better if you contact Xbox Support to get the exact cost for it as I don't know where you live. I believe for UK customers it was about 50 UK pounds.


Anonymous said...

Hey my name is Kevin. I played my xbox360 this morning and it worked fine then I went to the gym. I come home and try to turn it on and I got the E74 error message. I tried all the steps above and none worked. I got my first 360 in January. The first one never worked from the day I had it, the controllors would never connect. I get another one and that goes down with the 3 Red lights. now i have to get my 4th XBox?! If I turn in my xbox, can you give me a gift card to Sony, I guess this is what I get for buying American.

Anonymous said...

Yo my baby died a couple weeks ago, and has the 4th quadrant blinking red, and the screen says E 74! It happened randomly because I played the night before. I dont know what happened, Ive been hearing that it has to do with the AV cables or the AV chip inside the 360 I mean my baby. I miss Cod4, GH3, Gears, and Rock Band. Ill probably suck when I start playing again so email me back if there is any other solutions you think I could try that dont involve me sending Microsoft my child. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jonjo,

If you get four red lights, you'll need to try the steps on this page:

Anonymous said...

hmm. i've had my 360 ELITE for only a month and this happened. i put it standing up, and it worked... overheating?

Anonymous said...

Hey, i was trying to play army of two, then it gave me the same screen that you guys showed. Now it wont turn on. I have tried everything and it still wont turn on. Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

If you tried all the steps and the Xbox 360 is still showing the same issue so you'll need to contact Xbox 360 customer support to service your console.


Anonymous said...


I have a similar problem to Nash. When I turn on my xbox for the first time in a day I get nothing. Single green light but no green ring (You can hear the fan going in the box) and no sound or picture on the TV. I then have to turn it off and on between 2-10 times and for no apparent reason on one of the times it will boot up and work ok. Once it is working it will continue to work all day ok.

This morning I turned it on and I got the E74 message for the first time and a single red light. I turned it off and on and got my usual symptom (nothing) - I then tried 4 more times and it came on again. Any ideas what is causing this? My son also has a console so I have swapped all leads, harddrive etc but nothing seems to make a difference?

Any help appreciated!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kyle..I dont know how to post a reply so I am just writing one now.

I got just wat happend to you...I was playing a game of saints row, loade it up, walked out of my house and BAM! my screen was blury with loads of lines all over it!
I was Also using a HD tv.

But i didnt get the 1 red light till about a week later (probally becoz i didnt play it for the whole week) :(

Romeo Inc said...

I just got the 1 red ring and the subsequent E 74 error message today.

I have tried all of the advice given on the support page and nothing seems to work.

Do I need to send my hard drive along with my Xbox as it is evidently a hardware fault.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Romeo Inc said...

I just got the 1 red ring and the subsequent E 74 error message today.
I tried all of the advice given on the support page and nothing seems to work.
Do I need to send my hard drive along with my xbox as it seems to be a hardware fault.
Thanks for any help, it's geatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Hi Romeo Inc,

You said you tried the steps on the support page. Is this including removing the Hrad drive?
If yes, and you still get the red light and the error message so it's an issue with the Xbox 360 console not the hard drive.
And while sending the Xbox 360 for repair remember not to include anything with the console. I mean no Hard drive, cables,accessories or even the original box it came in.


Romeo Inc said...

Sorry about the double post I didn't realise that posts are moderated.

Yeah I have tried the techniques on the support page multiple times to no avail.

Regarding sending the console,am I supplied with a box? Do I need to pay for postage?

Anonymous said...

Hi Romeo Inc,

It's ok. No worries at all about the double post.
Regarding sending the Xbox 360 for repair, you'll need to get yourself any box you don't need to send the Xbox in.
And regarding the postage, you don't pay anything. The courier will come to your doorstep and collect your console without you paying anything.
Note: If your console is still under warranty all the repair and the shipment is for free. But if the Xbox is out of warranty, you'll be paying the cost of the repair.


Anonymous said...


I have a problem where sectors one and four light up together then two and three light up together in a cycle on the controller. My 360 tends to freeze in the middle of any game. So far I haven't read any thing like this...can anyone help please?!

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Sorry, I haven't heard about anything like this before too, but in a case like this you'll need to try your controller on any of your friend's console or try his controller on yours to check wither the controller is faulty or the actual Xbox 360 console of yours.
Please feed me back whenever you do so and I'll tell then the next step, cheeers.

Anonymous said...

hey i am having the same problem that zach had but now my 360 isn't even turning on what is wrong

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

So your Xbox 360 doesn't turn on.
Try the steps on the below link on the blog for this issue:

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

I had a flashing red light in the lower right quadrant and recieved the very same error message. I turned my xbox off, then back on worked like it always did.

Anonymous said...

I'm really annoyed after ringing up xbox support on the day i opened up my console and getting the one red light. I was told to turn it on and off again and take out the hard drive etc. Fair enough it worked alright. I have been doing this everytime and it has worked but the other night for no apparent reason all my games were displaying random black dots all over the screen and falling down the screen. Anyway i turned it off and got the one red light (so of course i did the same procedure i was told to do by xbox support) and since it refuses to turn on.

I rang Xbox support and went through the normal procedure (turn on, off),nothing worked. And since my "normal" warranty had expired a couple of months ago i have to pay for a repair. My problem with paying is that i was told to turn it on and off again but this obviously hasn't fixed the problem , its just got worse and worse to the point that its stopped working completetly. Ihave lost faith in Xbox and Microsoft. And i will not be buying another Microsoft gaming system again.

BEZ said...

Hey im just wondering if u have a 360 lieing down instead of stnadig up will it get over heated and mess up the inside or will it be ok like that reply back plz so i know

BEZ said...

can anyone tell me plz if the hard drive can do any damage to the 360 console like e.g make it over heat or anything mostly when lieing down

Anonymous said...

Hi Bez,

1- You can position your Xbox 360 horizontally or vertically but make sure that the console is on a flat surface.

And make sure that there is nothing on top of the console.

2- The hard drive doesn't cause an overheat or so for the console.
Did you experience this?

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

I've always had my xbox lying down and mine has broke so basically don't buy an xbox.

Anonymous said...

hi i know everyone is talking about E 44- 79 but my friend has E 101 with a red light and the center on light alternates from red to green

Anonymous said...

My Xbox 360 has one flashing red light flashing in the lower right quadrant of the RoL and on the screen it says "System Error. Contact Microsoft support" on the screen in multiple languages and the in larger print it says "E 65". I called 1-800-4my-xbox and they said something like 7 weeks to get it fixed. I dont want to wait that long for it to get fixed when I just got it a month ago. this is my 3rd 360 and 4th occurrence with a problem on the RoL. Ive taken and replaced the cables andd it didnt work, and then put in and took out the HDD and tested it, but to no a avail. The wierd thing about the way it happened was that one random minute when I took out my cod4 disc out, all of the sudden BOOM, E 65. Then, that night, it worked for a while like it always does, but, the next morning the light came back and its been that ways ever since. PLEASE help find ANY alternative ways to fix it because 7 weeks is far too long.

Anonymous said...

that sounds fuxed up cuz with mine i can just turn my 360 off and then back on and it works again

Anonymous said...

The best thing to do Andy is get it fixed/replaced especially if it is still under warranty. However, if you really are intent on fixing it yourself there are plently of websites showing you how. Just google it or go on Youtube! Many will come up with the 'towel trick' which works only for a few days or a whole night of continuous gaming. What happens with the towel trick is that any loose connections/solderings will heat up so much, turn to metalic liquid and then hopefully set back into place, forming a connection. Not only is this risky that the connection won't form but can also in some cases permanently damage your xbox in other ways and void your warranty.

Other ways show you how to open up your xbox and locate the often dodgey connection on the circuit boards and then re-solder. This will void your warranty!

Once again if you are still. in warranty get it fixed or replaced!

If all else fails or you are out of warranty, on your 3rd or 4th console, sick and tired of xbox..........then do what i'm doing and buy a PS3.

Anonymous said...

I was playing call of duty and was experiencing little black dots on the screen so i turned it off and went to turn it back on and i got one flashing light with the e74. i've tried unplugging everything and nothing seems to work. I have a warranty at target so should i take it back there or just go through the aggony of sending in my console?

Anonymous said...

Hey I turned my xbox on this morning and had one flashing light error code e74 , iv tried taking out the hard drive and av cables etc then trying but still get the same error code , i haev no warranty for my xbox either =[

can anybody help

Anonymous said...

very strange was playing then the xbox goes off and the 2 left hand side of the ring flash red 1 and 4 i beleive xbox is out of warranty 09/06 do i have to pay to have it repaired

Anonymous said...

I started getting graphical glitches in games today, and after turning the system off and back on I got the bottom red light flashing and the E74 screen. The problem persists whether the hard drive is attached or not. Is this covered in the extended 3-year warranty?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

The three years warranty are for the three red lights issue only.


Anonymous said...

I have the problem with the one red light coming on on my 360. The system error pops up and i cant do a thing. Ive had my 360 for about 2 years and have had no porblems at all. Im very upset that this has happened and i need some help. I knew i shouldve stuck with the playstation........

Anonymous said...

I have been a daily visitor of your site for over a year, and I hope you can help me with this.I'm in tears. Last night, my 360 got one red light at the bottom right hand corner, right before i finished Fallout 3. The system failure screen says "E-74". I have an elite, and I have already gotten the 3 RROD lights, and Microsoft sent me this console about 7 months ago. I don't have a warranty. According to my research, the problem could either be whether my AV chip is broken, or my AV cable is broken. If my AV chip is broken, it will cost about $140 to fix. My AV cable could also be broken, but I don't know how they would fix it since i have an HDMI cable. My question is this: Should I just tell them that i have the 3 red lights of death? Since the warranty is 3 years, it would be free. Last time my 360 broke, they sent me a completely different 360, leading me to believe that they don't really check the system. If there is a problem, I could just say that there used to be 3 red lights, not one.

I know its dishonest, but I really can't afford to shell out more money on videogames. I have spent over 350 dollars last month and this month because of games. And, i really really wanna finish Fallout. :)

So.. what do you think?



PS: I know that its alot to ask, but can you please send me the answer in my email? I have crappy memory and I might forget to check back here. I have asked a crapload of people, and no one seems to know what to do. Will you guys please be my saviours and help?


Anonymous said...

I have disconected the cables and reconnected them, i have taken the hdd off but i still get the red light, what else can i do?

Anonymous said...

Ive Taken the cables out and power and hard drive but still dotn work.. i know it isnt the hard drive but still i waited over 10 minutes and then place them back in but no hope.. Really want to keep it for christmas.. New games...

Anonymous said...

how long is the warrenty on the 1 red light? ive had my 360 for less than a year and I was playing CoD4. Suddenly, my screen started going all green and staticy. I restarted my 360 and I got E74. I contacted customer support and they said to register my 360 on I looked at the details but it didnt have much about 1 red light warrenties. I really dont want 2 go Christmas without the console and have to pay $100

Mr. Kain said...

I see many people have problems with the xbox 360, as do I, I ahve one ring of death on my xbox 360 elite which is almost a year old. I have tried the solutions on this page but to no avail and also its not my hardrive or cables because I have tried my friends hardrive and cables but still doesnt work.... What should i do?

Anonymous said...


ok i have the E68 error and i have read all these comments,

i tried all that shit with turning xbox on without HDD and with it, works fine without Hardrive,

But if i put the HDD in i get the one red ring on the bottom right segment and the E68 system error so its deffinetly the Hardrive,

now i live in Australia so yeah im not sure about all the shit with sending it in and that,

my xbox is fine its just the hardrive but i i know i can get a new hardrive but the biggest problem is all my saved files haha thats what i want to keep so if i get a new HDD then ill have to start all games again and shit saved files wont be on the new one, and that will really piss me off, so what did i do how do iget a new hardrive and get the saved files of my old one, p.s i have the original HDD, and if i use the memory transfer thing it wont work if my HDD has the error will it?

Anonymous said...

I have the one red light problem. But also, when it sometimes does work, the fan sounds like a friggin jet engine, red rings and shuts down.
What do you advise doing?

Anonymous said...

okay, lower right quadrant flashing red, E74. i unpluggged everything and left the hard drive out for like 2 hours but it still wont work. whats tthe deal?

Anonymous said...

i had one flashing red light with the warning and before i even tried to turn it off, i pulled the power cord out. was this a mistake?

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Anthony and i got the one flashing red ight with the code and i did all the trouble shooting and it did not work and i called microsoft and they said that my worrenty is up please advise me on what i should do thanks, Anthony

Unknown said...

soooo... after attempting all of that and it miserably fails... :( basically my xbox is screwed and i need to send it in? or is there a way i can fix it...

Anonymous said...

Hi all, I just signed up on this marvelous discussion board and wished to say howdy! Have a tremendous day!

Anonymous said...

hi everybody

just registered and put on my todo list

hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.

l7loser said...

Hi My xbox just started blacking out then freezing up on my games not in the dashboard just in the opening of any and all games. It is not closed in, it is in a open hard space. Now I see that I will have to send it in. Yet 2 years ago I turned mine in for the red ring and now its doing this freezing thing and it looks like others are having the same problem. how is this not on the warranty after the red ring. Do I need to get a lawyer? is this something that needs to be looked into?

Anonymous said...

i have one flashing light and the e74 message ive tried everything i could think of unpluging cables leaving it for a few days to cool and changing power supply and nothing has worked what so ever

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I've had my xbox for about a week now i bought it used and it was working fine. Now today i went to turn it on and it doesn't even light up or start the fans, its just like dead. What happened?