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Thursday, March 22, 2007

You got the Error message "To play this disc, put it in an Xbox 360 console"

Do you need any xbox 360 help or did you suddenly, when you put the game disc one day it gave you the error message "to play this disc, put it in an Xbox 360 console" and you don't know why that happened or how, let me tell you!

That might be something related to your Xbox 360 console itself or the disc you are trying to play on, so first have a look on the Xbox 360 game disc itself and check whether there is any kind of scratches or flaws on it.

If you find a scratch or a flaw on the disc that seems to be the reason and just to check it you can put any other game in your Xbox 360 console and try it once more, if the other game is working fine that definitely assures that it's a fault with the game disc & check on the scratched discs page on our web site for more information about the reason for this issue to occur.

In case there is no scratch or a flaw on the game disc try the following steps:
1- With no discs in the disc tray, go to the System section on the dashboard.
2- Select Console Settings.
3- Select Start Up.
4- Make sure it is set to Disc not dashboard.
If it is set to dashboard, select Disc and try the game again. It should work.
If is already set to disc or you tried setting it to Disc and still not working try the following steps:

1. Just clean the disc & put it back in your Xbox 360 console and see whether it's going to work again or not.
2. If it's still not working try also another discs to know whether it's an issue with the actual Xbox 360 console then or not.
3. If the other discs work fine you can try it then without the hard drive because it might also be something related to the hard drive.
4. If it is still not working so this game disc would be for sure faulty and you have the right to exchange it from the retailer you bought it from as it's not scratched.

In all cases if other game discs are giving you the same error message "To play this disc, put it in an Xbox 360 console" you need then to contact Xbox 360 customer support to send your console to get repaired or exchanged.


Anonymous said...

Hey thx this was happening to me but not all the time..i had it set to dashboard so im hoping next time it would go to that screen the games will work. but somehthing different than that happens most of the time. I put the game disc in the disc tray and the bar at the bottom of the screen will say reading. as usual. But then it will just go back to saying open disc tray. i dont understand why. do you think you could help me or tell me why?

Anonymous said...

If you get "open tray" on the screen while the game is in. First make sure the console is not overheating and the date and time are set correctly. Check is this happening with all games or only a specific game, because it might be the game itself faulty. Also try to remove the Hard drive and try without the Hard drive attached, if you see it's working so it's the Hard drive that needs to be checked. If you did so and still not working, I believe it would be something wrong with the console itself and you'll need to contact Xbox customer support to service your console.

Unknown said...

I have had the same problems with the console saying to put disc into an xbox system, when I tried above where it suggests removing the hard drive then putting the game in, the game finally played, and other games that i was having the issue with. So what does that mean? HD issue?

Anonymous said...

I believe it's a Hard Drive issue. You need first to try formating the Hard drive(Formatting the Hard drive will delete all your saved data and you won't be able to get them back), it might work after this. If not you'll need to get a new one.

Anonymous said...

i have the same problem and it happens nearly every time i play a game. ive tried all of the following methods to fix the problem but it still happens. do i have a faulty xbox?

Anonymous said...

ive been having the same problem with nearly every game i own. ive tried all of the metheds you people have provided, but it still happens. do i have a faulty xbox 360?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Yes, I'm sorry to tell you so but if you tried all the steps here & the same issue still occurring it's obvious your console needs to get repaired, so please contact Xbox customer support to check your console warranty status and send it to get repaired.


Anonymous said...

I tried to follow your steps as you instructed but my Xbox doesn't have the startup option. It doesn't have the shutdown option either. Is there a way I can fix this. My boyfriend just got it and I don't know anything about this system (he doesn't know much either) and I'm trying not spend the 100 bucks its gonna take to send it to Microsoft to get it fixed. If so please e-mail me at Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Can you please first make sure the disc you are trying to play is clean with no scratches or flaws?
Also check if this happens with all disc or a specific one.

If the disc is fine and this happens with all other discs too I'll need you to try the following steps again please.
1- Turn on the Xbox 360 WITHOUT any discs in the disc tray.
2- On the screen go to System
3- Then Console Settings
4- Then go tp Start up
5- Then choose Disc

If these steps didn't resolve the issue I'm afraid you'll need to call the Xbox Support to service your console.
If your console is under warranty they will service it for free.

And if you have any other inquiries don't hesitate to leave another comment.
Bye now,

Unknown said...

Also try this. If you have you xbox in the upright position lay it down so the disc is laying down instead of vertical. That might be a problem with the lens reading the disc right. I did it with mine because the disc was hanging down a little bit so i set it on its side and it started working again.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have the same problem. But, I can still play DVD's and the old xbox games. But whenever I put in Halo 3, Ace Combat 6, or any of the other xbox 360 games I own, it does that annoying message. I contacted customer support, and they are sending me a new one. But is there something I can do to fix it myself???

Anonymous said...

Hi Sean,

Basically if you tried all the above steps and your games still don't play, it seems to be an issue with the Xbox360 itself as this happens with more than a game.

Don't try to do anything in the Xbox 360 because this will make Xbox deal with it as a tampered console.
So just wait for the one Xbox support is sending you.


Anonymous said...

Happens to me first time I turn on Xbox no matter what the settings, HD, or game disc is. Eventually works after ejecting disc & rebooting console a few times, but sucks.

Anonymous said...

Ive had the same problem too. ive tried all the steps above and it doesnt work, ive also had 3 other xbox 360 consoles, one was faulty after 5 days, one had 3 red lights appear and the other one overheated and didnt turn on, now this one is not reading the disk and says that annoying message about putting it into an exbox 360 console. is there anything i could be doing wrong to make all these xbox's go wrong? im still at school so its not being over used so i dont know what it could be even brand new disks are coming up wth this error message. please advise!

Anonymous said...

i just bought the guitar hero III bundle that included a wireless controller and guitar hero III. i put the game in for the first time tonight, and it said "play dvd" on the dashboard. wondering what that was about, i went to play it. it went to that same screen everyone is talking about, and ive tried all your tips to fix it. all my other games work fine. it has to be a faulty disc, right?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

As you said, It seems to be a faulty one. Try to exchange it from the retailer.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

My sisters xbox360 has been working very well ever since they came out, considering the fact that 1 out of every 7 would malfunction. Well it is now march 2008. We've been have the "please put into an xbox360 console" problem. It plays some games when it feels like and then most of the time it says put into xbox 360. Kinda silly now that I think about it. I'm gonna try to do it with out the HD in it. Try unplugging the plugs in the back of it. That worked for a while.

Anonymous said...

Hey great news everyone that has this problem. Mine did this white screen for four months. Progressivly got worse until it would take me 50 times open and close the disc drive. I was thinking about opening the xbox and get a new dvd drive cuz my warranty is up. But no need. i went to wal mart bought a 10 dollar dvd lense cleaner and bam fixed the problem. It may happen a few times after you clean it but will clear up. Mine i cleaned the first time. Game started. Switched games...white screen. Cleaned worked. now i haven't seen the screen for days ever since i bought the cleaner and have had to use the cleaner again. If your broke. us ethe cleaner and then return it.. its wal mart who cares lol. well there you go a very frustrating problem fixed easy

Anonymous said...

I think most would agree....Microsoft are a bunch of fucking retards

Anonymous said...

My xbox 360 has had this problem for just over a month now. It started out as a minor problem and then grew. I think that scratched discs may cause it, but only when the 360 does the scratching. I got a brand new Call of Duty 4 game around Christmas, but that was when the online support was full of bugs. Sometimes it would sound like the disc was being spun fast and scraping, so I would shut off the console. The disc had circular scratches for a long time, but no problem reading it. Then about a month ago it wouldn't play, but it was only this disc, so I cleaned it and it worked again.

But now it takes 30 reboots and 20 minutes to get a game to read once. Once it is read it is perfectly fine, no disc read errors or other problems after it initially recognizes it as a 360 disc.

Do the RRoD xboxes have a 1 year warranty on them for any problems like this? My xbox got the ring before xmas and I got a new one, which is the one with the problem now.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Your Xbox 360 has 1 year warranty from the date of purchase so if you're still within this warranty period don't hesitate to contract Xbox support to get your Xbox repaired or replaced.


Anonymous said...

hi you oryt

my xbox comes up with play dvd when i am trying 2 play a xbox 360 game and sum times it says unplayable disc i have had the ring of death a few times and it still worked but my xbox is no workin now u hav any ideas i cant take it bak ether cuz av took it apart and my warrenty ran out

Anonymous said...

I'm fine, thanks!

As you've got the ring of death sometimes before and now you're have an error reading discs, I'm sorry to tell you that your Xbox 360 is dieing.

You can try calling the Xbox 360 support and ask about your warranty status coz sometimes it will say on their system that you're in warranty even if you're not, and good luck.

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot!
Finally my xbox is working, wheee! ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hay...umm i've just got this problem recently when I bought fifa 08. I tried the console settings, I've tried moving it to a differnt location but nothing. on the 1st day I got it I blew in the drive a couple of times then it worked i've tried again but nothing is working wtf?!

Anonymous said...

I first had this problem when i got my xbox back from repairs when it was freeezing, it doesnt now but it has always come up with the "to play this disc, put it in an xbox 360 console" problem after the repair. I would eject the disc and put it back in about 2 or 3 times and it worked fine but now i cannot play any discs as it would continually come up with this error and would not ever play any disc. Microsoft need to fix their F**kin consoles for what we are paying for them.

Anonymous said...

Well, that seemingly solved my problem. I tried all of said alternatives...and came to the conclusion that my Guitar Hero 3 disc was; *drumroll* Broken! Dun dun dunnn! Ah well, I'm hopefully getting Rock Band 2 for chrismas anyway. Cheers for the help!

Anonymous said...

do you know a good place to send my 360 to be fixed? other than micro soft. I vioded my waranty by trying to fix the "put this disc into a x box 360 concal".

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I burned two games 'Fallout 3' and 'Ratatouille' but none of them are playing in my XBOX 360 (elite console, bought just a week ago). I see a message 'To play this disc, put it in an XBOX 360 console'.

I used Verbatim DVD+R DL. It is a brand new pack of 20, opened just an hour ago and no scratches found on any disc.

I used imgburn and opened .dvd file and also I set the layerbreak option to 1913760 for the first disc, and did not set for the second disc because the .dvd file has that information in it. The .iso file is picked successfully for burning. But my XBOX 360 console is not playing any of these two disks.

Also tested these two discs with hard drive detached from my XBOX 360 console., as mentioned in

I have a few other games (original DVDs) like 'Burnout Revenge', 'Kung Fu Panda', 'Indiana Jones' that are working well (even after this problem found with the two burned discs).

I am in North America. I use NTSC & region free.

I am trying to find the reason for this failure. Can somebody please help me with this?

Anonymous said...

I just took min apart and swithched the drive with one that was redringed. Didn't work, so i modded the crap out of it :)

Anonymous said...

Wish I could say that tilting the system works but I just tried that as I read the post but I continue to experience the same problem we all seem to be having... and unfortunatly I have called xbox and to confirm all your posts, if you are outside of your one year warrenty then no xbox will NOT take care of this issue for your there is a charge of 100 bucks to send your system in... I will be trying the lense cleaner later this week in hopes that it will resolve my issue

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tilting the box worked for us as well.

harry said...

i've done all of this, but it says mixed media disc instead of play game. it is world at war, which is quite old but it should still work!!!

Anonymous said...

why the heck would a message like this even exist on an xbox 360??? It's like, how retarded can you get?