When you try to connect to live we might need some information even from the PC like to get the IP address from the PC to set it manually on the dashboard of your Xbox 360 console, and to get all connection information from the PC follow these few steps:
- On the PC desktop click "Start"
- You will get some information about your connection appearing on that black screen, among these information you’ll find all the connection information including: Physical address, IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, DNS addresses.
- When you are looking for "Physical Address" get it from your local area connection part, it will look like this 00-E0-98-C1-88-C2
When i run CMD, the black box keeps disappearing.
Is there another way to find the DNU Server.
Hi Gary,
If you have a look on your PC screen when you are connected you'll find 2 computers icon on the bottom right side of the screen on the taskbar, which is the notification icon that you are online.
Double click on this icon, you'll get a pop up widow divided into "General" and "Support" taps.
Go to the "Support" tap and click on "Details", there you'll find also your DNS server.
My "default gateway" field is blank.
I spent hours and hours and hours trying to find a solution to the ip address failed - and reading your posts fixed it! THANK YOU!
However, I'm still having trouble wwith the DNS server failing. I am trying an ICS connection with the xbox - and using as the IP as suggested (my LAN is set at, with subnet and everything else blank)
I've tried the following:
Automatic dns: no
using (same as IP and LAN) - no
using my internet connection dns - no
I've tried looking it up on ipconfig but it comes up blank
I've tried entering the dns manually on the LAN and Xbox to match all combos, and still failed.
any tips?
Hi geki,
Go on to this link on the blog under c: ICS:
Read the steps carefully and I believe your DNS will pass.
Cheers now,
I tried what you said about getting my ip address on the computer and when I did, I tested connection to xbox live and still it failed because it said my gateway did not respond to the networks request. What do I do?
Hi there,
I assume you are connecting you Xbox 360 to your PC, if this is correct and You get IP faled you'll need to check some points.
1- You haven't set the ICS connection correctly or have shared the internet connection to the wrong local area connection, check this here:
But first disable ICS by unticking the "Allow others to connect...." box
2- You haven't restored your Xbox network settings to the factory defaults to delete any PPPOE settings saved there.
Go to System - Network Settings - Edit Settings - Additional Settings -PPPOE and clear it)
3- You have not used the ip address on your Xbox
Make sure it's that one.
4- If you connect your PC to a router, make sure the following ports are open: UDP 88, UDP 3074, TCP 3074
Hope this helps
See When You Put Your DNS Settings Onto Your Xbox How Come It Still Fails ?? Really Need Some Help BADLY !!!
Hi there,
You can check the DNS page:
Under you connection type you'll find the steps to follow.
Cheers now,
The gateway for my wireless broadband card is i have no idea how to fix this if someone can help me i would be greatly thankful.
My dns dosent work and i even did that black box thing. But earlyer this morning everything on my xbox live was working. i was playing saints row and then the xbox froze on me but when i turned it on, the xbox live didnt work. i need more help...
Hi there,
For more help regarding the DNS go to the below link on the blog for DNS issues:
Choose your type of connection and follow the steps.
Hi there.
I have a newer version of Windows than the one shown in your pictures and I can't find "run" option. Do you think you can help me with that?
hey =]
my xbox is connected to my laptop and from there to the verizon fios modem. the problem is that i accidentally checked the box "obtain ip address automatically" under the TCP/IPv4 Properties of the local area connection i had pc-xbox.
there was an ip address there that made everything work fine, but it got erased after the box-checking.
now it doesnt work, the ip address test fails.
i really need help.
here is a picture that might help.
thanks in advance
Hi Jose Naranjo,
You are connecting using ICS.
So for the IP failur issue check the below link on the blog for that under:
d. ICS (Internet Connection Sharing)
If you have windows vista, Here's the link for Vista ICS:
hey ive already tried wat u told me to do nd it com up wif my ip address nd nuffing i hav no idea wat to do ?
i tried wat u said but it is not working i got my IP address and it still didnt work wat do i do
Hi aaron,
Check the below link fo the IP issues:
Cheers now,
hi i have tried all the stuff you have said and none of it works the DNS keeps coming up failed what should i do?
Ok I just got my HDD back from you guys and I need to recover my gamertag to get it back. I connect using a direct modem approach, and the DNS fails on me it has never happened before. I got the ip address that works but when I set the DNS to automatic and manaul(using the one on the cmd ipconfig /all window) it comes up failed.I dond know whats wrong with it but please help.
Hey, i'm Rob.
I have followed everystep you have told me through ICS and IP connections using 'cmd' and 'ipconfig /all'. But when you told me to go to the 'Advanced' tab and 'Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection', i did that but to a different connection...
The connection you told me to do it to, underneath 'Dial Up', i dont connect to the internet that way, i connect to the internet through a connection i made myself, and that is under the heading 'Broadband'. I connect through that connection with a user name and password, i shared that connection instead of the one underneath 'Dial Up' and it wouldnt help. Oh, and when i turn my Xbox360 off, no connection states a red cross over it to state my Xbox360 has been turned off...
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thankyou in advance,
i have tried everything you have said. i plug my xbox into the computer with an ethernet cord. i already checked the box to share connectivity. im using a sierra wireless air card which plugs into a USB port for internet. my xbox wont pass the MTU test. any suggestions. please help
I'm trying to connect my xbox 360 to xbox live through my computer which connects to my router via a netgear wireless adapter. Everytime i try to connect to xbox live it states the ip address failed i've bridging the ethernet cable and wireless network and it dosen't work. Please Help
Hi I'm using a wired connection with a router and I have PC connected wired to the router and 2 labtops wirelessly to the same router and I have the IP failed I have done the following:
1- IP manually from the PC to the console (adding 5 in the last digit) and the IP in the PC is
2- MAC Spoofing in the console.
3- Power Cycle the router and the issue resolved and the DNS failed
4- DNS inserted manually to the console and the IP failed again the DNS in the PC,
5- IP set to automatic again and the same issue IP failed, and he
NOTE : I don't use the PPOPE..
How do I do this on a mac?
hi there when i tpye cmd on the run application everything works fine but when i type ipconfig /all on the black screen it shows multiple ipv4 addresses instead of an ip address can you help me with this please.
hi, i'm computer iliterate and my xbox won't pass the ip adess i,ve tried the run cmd then ipconfig /all but i don't know which one to use i've tried all but it still says that there's something wrong please help i've been tring this since 8:00 pm and its 4:30 am now plz help
wow i think im having major problems... every time i try to test my connection it fails. so i go turn the router off then back on. turn the 360 on and it red rings. works fine with no ethernet cable plugged in.
i am having probloms with conecting to live: first of all im using a mac. the dsl motom is conected to a netgear EN104 ethernet hub, that is then conected to my computer and xbox 360 with a cat6 cable. the internet works fine on the computer but when i test the conection on the xbox it always fails on the DNS check. how do i fix this w/o going and buying a pc? it passes the network and ip addres everythim just not the DNS
hi im not sure wat u mean becasue i am still not able t find the ip adress and i think my physical adress iswrong because i have 9 area connections for some reasons plzz help me
hey i have a question im trying to find my ssid number but when i type in my browser it keeps saying internet explorer cannot display this page im tryin to set up my xbox 360 wireless adapter and i really dont know how to my model number is U10C018 i i dont really know the brand but on the back it says ambit you think you can help me
I am having an issue. I have 2 Xbox360's running off one router/cable modem. Whatever you call it. And lately it's been kicking me out of party chats and whatnot. I was kicked off last night of a halo 3 game bbecause my xbox live was up. so i bought a new month and played a little longer until i was kicked off line agian. this time it couldnt find my ip address and what not. when i tried typing manually it was not working and than said something about MAC address... my Brother's 360 works Fine on line (although no live membership) but says that it's connected to computer! Strangee Helop!
i wasn't sure if i could do it with just an ethernet cable straight to my pc. and it isn't working, the run program trick you showed did work and i put in all the correct info but it's still not working. the message im getting is " can't connect to your network hardware using static ip adress. Turn your router or modem off and back on, then wait 30 seconds" since i dont have a router nor modem i am unsure of what to do. help!
I just wanted to thank you, your post really helped me...
i do everything u said wen i look for the ip address the default gateway code is always how can i get the code and ive noticed that on ur example it says dhcp=enabled and on mine it says disabled whats wrong
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