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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Xbox 360 screen freezes while you're playing your games

Sometimes while you are playing with your Xbox 360 console the screen freezes or pixelate and then the only option you get is to restart your Xbox 360 console so you'd be able to play again normally with your Xbox 360 games for a couple of minutes & after that again it would do the same and that happens with most of the games you actually got not only one of them.

First of all, we need to check wether that only happens online or also offline because there is a yawning gap between the two cases, if it just occurs online it's to do with your Xbox live connection or connection settings, but if it's offline too we have more than one thing that might be a reason for an issue like this to occur, It might be something related to your gamer profile, saved information on your Xbox 360 hard drive or even a hardware failure with your Xbox 360 console itself.

1. Xbox 360 console freeze online only:

That would be definitely something related to your Xbox 360 Live connection, it doesn't have to be not connected, I mean it might need some more configuration.
Well, usually that will happen with a router first go on your Xbox 360 console dashboard to the "System" area then "Network settings" then "Test Xbox Live connection" and if any part in the test fails (that rarely happen in a case like this) you'll find a link on the "Xbox Live main issues" here to assist you on how to resolve it, and most proper you'll find the NAT option not open so check also on the "Xbox Live main issues".
If you are using a router we need to lower the firewall on your router settings, if you don't know how to do so please contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or router manufacturer to tell you how to do it.

2. Xbox 360 console freeze in all cases (online or offline):

a. Check your display settings (system area, console settings then display) and make sure you set it to PAL60.
b. Remove your Xbox 360 hard drive and try playing once more without it.
c. If it works fine without the HDD, seems at the first sight to be an issue with your HDD, but also it might be something related to any corrupted saved games on your Xbox 360 hard drive, and if we consider it to be an issue with the hard drive it will be replaced anyway so we can try and give a shoot to delete all saved information related to this gamertag (go on your Xbox 360 dashboard to the system area, memory, hard drive then games) and after that if you still have the same issue that will define the fault to be with the HDD for sure, contact Xbox 360 customer support to get an exchange for it.
d. If it doesn't work even without the HDD that's a fault with your Xbox 360 console, so contact Xbox 360 customer support to repair or replace your Xbox 360 console.


Anonymous said...

my xbox 360 always freezes when im just finishing making an xbox live account.whats the deal with that???

Anonymous said...

so does myn its pissn me off i just wana play some halo3

Anonymous said...

omfg ur telling me, im trying to make an xbox live account and wen i agree the terms and conditions it freezes!!! and i got my xbox yesterday.... so its not old or anything. whats happening?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

First of all sorry to hear that this happens to you only one day after getting your Xbox 360.
But did you try the above steps?
You'll need to follow the troubleshooting steps to know where is the issue exactly and resolve it.

So follow the above steps plus clearing the cache and here's how to do it, it might help:
1- Go to System
2- Then Memory
3- Then hard drive and press Y to view the device options screen
4- On the controller press X then X again then left bumper then right bumper then X then X again.

Try this and tell me what happens.
Hopefully your Xbox 360 will work fine.
Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

my xbox freezes up offline at random times...tho seemingly at the same spot in CoD4 (charlie don't surf intro). If I send in my xbox for repair, how long does it take for a fix? Do I need to find my recepit and all my papers (I bought when they first came out)?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Basically, If the freezing issue is happening with only one game it might be a problem with the game disc you got or even with a corrupted saved game for this game in particular specially when it always happens on the same spot.

So I ask you to try first playing without the Hard Drive or memory unit you have your saved games on, and if that will not be possible please try another CoD4 game disk first before specifying that your Xbox 360 console is faulty because it will take from 2 to 3 weeks to get it back

If both the last two options is not possible then delete the saved games for CoD4 and start playing again to check whether it's a saved game related issue or not.

To delete saved games go to "System" then "Memory" then "Hard Drive" then "Games" then you'll find CoD4 so select it and select "Delete".

Hopefully it will just be a corrupted saved game or the actual disc not the console is the faulty part.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I have the same trouble with CoD4, my xbox 360 freezes up at same spot (more or less) during the "charlie don't surf" level (not during the intro but after 5 minutes of playing that level in different spots but almost at the same time). I don't have any issue with other games and I changed the disc at the store but it did'nt help.
I played without hd but it was the same.
Does anyone of you know if there is any incompatibility wiyt CoD4 and some version of xbox360?
Paolo (Italy)
TY bye

Anonymous said...

Hi Paolo,

First of all, sorry for the delayed respond.

Anyway I didn't play CoD4 till now but it seems that there is a problem with that level of the game, I was going to tell you to exchange the game disc from the retailer but you said you did so.

Seems there is a patch of faulty game discs in the market!! you can exchange this one back from the retailer again and if it still do the same that would be an incomparability as you said with your console so then you can call Xbox 360 support team to ask for an exchange for your console, and they will do so for you.

Anonymous said...

Ive been having a problem where these screen freezes are happening at the dashboard and also during game play (it varies). But when i remove the hard drive, it still keeps happening. Since this is obviously a problem with the xbox itself, do you think i should send it in? and what would be the cost?


Anonymous said...

Hi Chad,

Well, if you're still in warranty the repair or replacement will be for free you'll just pay for it if you're out of warranty and actually it varies from one country to another but it's around 123Euro but as we said that's only if it's out of warranty which globally atleast would be a year.

And ya you should send it if it really do it alot because there is no other way that will not ruin your warranty if you still in.

If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Anonymous said...

ok thanks

Anonymous said...

Yea my cod4 froze also. I also got the three rings. I left it alone for a while and I could play but it would eventually freeze again. I could play for about an hour and it would freeze again. I haven't seen the three rings after the first tim either. I have a warranty from gamestop. Should I exchange it and get a new one or pay the difference and get an elite? Thx

Anonymous said...


I have been a live user for over a year now, and recently my console freezes when ever I try to send a message or request private chat to someone on my friends list!!!!

I am clutching at straws to fix this - any ideas!!!

PS all my games work well (offline and online).

Any advice would be great!

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,

You say this happens only while trying to send a message or request private chat. This means that the issue is a Live issue.
So test Xbox Live connection if the NAT fails you'll have to contact your ISP or router manufacturer to open or forward the 3 Xbox live ports which are:
UDP 88
UDP 3074
TCP 3074

But if everything is connected and passes you'll need to lower the firewall on your router settings, if you don't know how to do so please contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or router manufacturer to tell you how to do it.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Just this last week my XBox 360 has started freezing. It happens no more than 2-3 mins after switching the console on, and with a range of different games.

Having scoured the message boards for a solution, I removed the hard drive and tried it then, only to receive a 'hardware error' message. I plugged the hard drive back in and then got 3 red rings flashing on the console and nothing else happening. I've had the console almost 2 years now and had no problems until's well ventilated enough, I usually remove the power cord from the power pack when I don't use it, so I can't see a problem with overheating...just don't know what to do and don't see why I should have to fork out £££ to have it fixed when I've done nothing to break it!

Hope someone can help!

Cheers, Simon.

Dustar said...

Hello there, Lately I connected my xbox elite after a while of being offline, due to house work and other stuff, I also bought CoD4, and every single time I start playing online with it, it freezes.

I may play 10-20 minutes, but it ALWAYS freezes when I Play CoD4 online, that had never happened before, and after a while I got tired of that, hooked up my guitar and started playing Guitar hero (with xbox live logged in) And even though I wasnt playing online, My screen froze two times, and I had a LOT of screen flickering.

I do not have a router, its straight up connection cable-modem-xbox

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I just bought recently CoD4 , and everytime I try to play online, it freezes about 10 to 15 minutes of gameplay, this ONLY happens when im playing online.

Also, If im connected to xbox live and I try to play Guitar hero 3, My screen flickers A LOT and it even freezes sometimes, again, It only happens online.

I do not have a router, but I own an xbox360 elite, so I do not know if there are any compatibility problems, or main live servers.

Anonymous said...

Hello Dustar,

One time you said it only happens online and another time you said also it occurs offline!!

Anyway there are some steps I'm sure would be helpful to know the reason for your issue and all listed on this page.

But the most important thing I want you to try for your case here is to delete the saved games for both games and try again playing with both of them and see if that would make any difference, if not I want you to go on the steps listed on this page under # 2.

And please feed me back, See you.

Anonymous said...

Hi i just wondering i turned on my 360 and after less than 5 minuteds it froze and white squares filled the screen almost chequered. I turned it back on and got the 3 red lights. I reset it and the white square thing happened again after a few minutes( it seems to happen when the game has just loaded and beginnning e.g in campaign at the start and when an online game starts. This happens both online and offline. I have tried both gears of war and halo 3 and both do it. Has this happened to anyhone before and will i need to replace it. All help i am extremely thankfull for.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

If you tried the above steps on this page and your Xbox 360 is still freezing, I believe the best thing is to call Xbox support to service your Xbox.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

Hi there. Thanks for the article. Very informative.

My problem isn't so much the screen freezing, but flashing red and black, then back to the game, then red and black, etc. These flashes take about 5 - 10 seconds each, meanwhile the game continues in the background. I've had my 360 for 9 months without any problem, then 2 days ago while playing guitar hero 3 offline it goes nuts (I dont have XBL yet).

Do you suggest I follow the same steps? Or is this unrelated?

Jake from Ohio

Anonymous said...

Hi Jake,

I'd suggest the same steps.
But if you still experience the same issue you'll need to contact Xbox 360 customer support to service your Xbox 360 console.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...


MY xbox dosent exactly freeze but the screen gets all messed up. It becomes all fuzy and there are red and blue patches tht come up. This usually happens while playing halo 3

What do I need to do,

Anonymous said...

Hi Adam,

Same as screen freezes above troubleshooting steps.

Anonymous said...

Well, i've done all of the steps and yet it still freezes with those blue squares, i got this for a birthday present i've been playing it for two years now everything was going fine and after taking a break from it for about a day or two i can't play any of my games anymore, and i really don't have about 130$ to get it fixed or a new one from microsoft.


Anonymous said...

i'm hoping somebody can help me with this. i've had my 360 for a while now, about 8 or 9 months, and recently got rockband for christmas. i put in rockband c-mas morning and after i was about 2.5 min into a song with the guitar the screen froze (image was not distorted) and the music continued to play for about 5 seconds (and by continue to play i mean repeat itself from the time it first froze, like a broke record). at first i thought it may be just b/c it was a new game or something so i restarted it. it happened again but not in the same spot. long story short i tried all 3 of the instruments multiple times and all 3 froze multiple times at different spots each time. i then exchanged it for a new one. same thing. exchanged again. same thing. this process was repeated 4 times and i still have the same problem. i have tried it (the disc) on other xbox's and have had no problem and have tried my friends disc's (on my xbox) and it still froze. i'm just about 100% sure my xbox is the problem, not rock band. o by the way, this has only ever happened on rockband not any games played on my xbox (halo 2, halo 3, GH2, GH3, geers of war, tony hawk, etc.) NONE of them have ever frozen.

anybody know whats going on or how i can fix it?

please respond, i am getting very frusterated with this situation.

thank you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam,

Try to follow these steps of clearing the cache. It should help.
Here's how to do it:
1- Go to System
2- Then Memory
3- Then hard drive and press Y to view the device options screen
4- On the controller press X then X again then left bumper then right bumper then X then X again.
If you still face the same issue. It'll be the Xbox 360 that needs service, so you'll have to call Xbox Support by then to repair or replace it for you.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

hi again,

i cleared the cache and it cleared up some space (0.1GB) and then i tried rockband again. but still had the same problem. so to contact xbox 360 support do i just go to and email them or what? and will they repair/replace it for free or will it be out of my pocket?


Anonymous said...

Hi Sam,

Basically repairing or replacing the Xbox depends on what Xbox Suport will tell you. Because for some countries they repair and replace it for others.
So you'd better contact them also to check your warranty. If your Xbox 360 is still under warranty, you won't pay for the repair but if it's out of warranty you'll have to pay.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

I just purchased Rock Band today. I hop on xbox live and download a few tracks and update rock band. I start playing away with a couple friends and everytime it comes to a downloaded song, the game will freeze and then play and repeatedly freezes over and over. What's the deal?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

This means that your Xbox 360 freezes online.
So try the above steps on this page under:
1. Xbox 360 console freeze online only


dan powell said...


mine does the freezing and pixilating online and off. it happend on any of the demos and any game. i was just wondering if i follow these steps:

1- Go to System
2- Then Memory
3- Then hard drive and press Y to view the device options screen
4- On the controller press X then X again then left bumper then right bumper then X then X again.

will i loose all of my saved things i.e. demos, themes, pictures, gamerscore, gamertag etc.

also if i send in my xbox will i loose all of the same things as i have already mentioned.



Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,

Don't worry. The steps you mentioned above are for clearing the cache, It won't delete any of your saved items.

And if you send your Xbox 360 for repair don't send the hard drive with it and you won't lose any saved games or so.


Anonymous said...

I have also faced the freezing problem with my XBox 360. I am playing the game called "Rumble Roses XX". Starting from the last week, the machine starts to freeze during the game play. I have reset the machine into default, checked the network connection (ok) and also the time zone. All of them seem to have no problem. I am wondering that the HDD has problem but have no time to check so. The main concern is that I have saved all my game saves in the HDD. If it get problem, how can I backup my game savings? if not, I have to spend another 2 years to play all of them. It is crazy. I am wondering that why Microsoft does not provide the online saving services for all XBox user. She suggests the concept of network playing but does not provide any information utilization methods. I payed extra to buy HDD and Microsoft should not ask me more to buy the flash drive for save the game.
From rocketeerhk

Anonymous said...


Appreciate if you can help...

My xbox360 freeze whenever I play COD4 only during online mode.
Things I tried,
1) Clear cache
2) Delete save game data
3) Bypass router
4) Use another COD4 disc
5) Remove hard disc
It use to be working fine for 2-3mths until recently I face this problem. When I play different game eg. Vegas everything is fine

Desparately need help. Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lootster,

It seems to be a temp issue.
You can also try the above steps on this page under:
1. Xbox 360 console freeze online only


Anonymous said...


I have had my xbox 360 for almost 4 months now and its starting to act up. About 2 weeks ago I turned on my xbox and during the logo appearance in the begining a beam of black like would come down above it and then my xbox would freeze. I waited the next day and it worked fine. Now the past 2 days i've had the same exact problem, but a smaller beam of black light is coming down on the logo and i can actually get games going or be on the dashboard for about 10-15 seconds. I was wondering if this is because of faulty hardware(because of this beam of light) or me just playing the 360 to much and it got overheated and fried it? I never got an overheated error though. And if I do call xbox support and send in my xbox will it be free to fix or will there be a fee?


Anonymous said...

Hi Doug,

If you're still within the warranty, it'll be fixed for free.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

Ok ill start at the begining. ive had my xbox for two years already, and not really n e problems until last november when i got call of duty 4. campaign would freeze every once in a while, but i managed through it. online would be only a couple of minutes before it froze. with an update a few months ago i cud play online on 480,but with the new maps i can now play 1080i. weird huh? well now i got gta IV, and i cant play campaign. its not my hard drive or disk bcuz i tried with another xbox online doesnt freeze as much, just once every 3-4 games, but i really wanna play campaign? what can i do?!

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Try to follow these steps of clearing the cache. It should help.
Here's how to do it:
1- Go to System
2- Then Memory
3- Then hard drive and press Y to view the device options screen
4- On the controller press X then X again then left bumper then right bumper then X then X again.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

I have now owned two xbox systems. I sold my first one to get an xbox elite. I've had it for almost a year, I won it on eBay, and was playing GTA IV last night when it locked up. I've powered it down several times, checked all the settings and everything appears to be as it should. The xbox locks up on GTA IV, Army of Two, and Rock Band, so I don't think it's one bad save file on the hard drive. Since I bought this from someone on eBay, am I out of luck if it is more than a bad hard drive?


Anonymous said...

Hi Nick,

Why don't you try some steps first before saying it's bad luck or not?

Follow the above steps on this page.
Also try to follow these steps of clearing the cache. It should help.
Here's how to do it:
1- Go to System
2- Then Memory
3- Then hard drive and press Y to view the device options screen
4- On the controller press X then X again then left bumper then right bumper then X then X again.

If that didn't work I believe you'll need to contact Xbox support to service your Xbox.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

Hi I just bought a refurished xbox 360 on ebay and recieved it on june 11 2008. Iwas trying to play halo 3 but it kept freezing . can you help me out. I tried some of your steps but they didnt work.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Does it freeze online or offline?
With Halo3 only or with other games?

Anonymous said...

hey my xbox 360 keeps freezing when i get into custom games lobby in halo 3, and sometimes in matchmaking. same thing on some mission movies in GTA4, or driving in a certain spot. its not the HDD, cuz everything is fine when i use the HDD on another xbox. what can i do to fix my xbox without paying $100?

Anonymous said...

ok so i just downloaded the cold storage map yesterday july 8th i woke up this moring to start playing and i get on to just walk around in a custom game on my xbox when it just froze and gave a werid nose i tryed cealinr the cache then i tryed playing it without online from my little sister profile that dose'nt connect then after everyhing seemd well i tryed playing cold stoarage again and this time the screen turned green i will note that i have not had a rrod (yet). i'm thinking its the cold storage dlc from bungie or it may just be my xboxs time.

Anonymous said...

I got my xbox 360 elite in summer 2007 and i had no problem with until jury this year.

I had the three lights and it also keeped freezing aswell, i sended it to be fixed and then got it back in 3 weeks,

It was working fine but now it keeps freezing and its happened with 3 diffrent games, and also i keep seeing some wave on the games.

can any one help me please.

KR shaun (UK)

Anonymous said...

wow, thats a lot of help, unfortunately, for those who don't want to pay $94 for Microsofts piece of shit hardware, this doesn't help us by any means, waste of bandwith and webspace.

Anonymous said...

I've gotten the red ring about 7times now but i kno how to fix it and have done so a few times now my xboxs freezes and my screen turns it the video card going?

Unknown said...

I have a real irritating problem. I play a game you are probably well aware of-Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I am 140 hours into the game, and made a whole lot of progress, although i still have much more to do (because the game takes over 200 hours to supposably beat it). Let me get to the point: i was done for the night, so i save, wait til its done, then turn off the console. next day, when i go to the start screen and click continue game, about 2 seconds from the load finishing it freezes and i have to restart the 360, but the problem still stays. i've tried many times many different ways, and no matter what i cant acess the the game, unless i start over, which would be a pain in the butt and id rather avoid that option. this has never happened before, and i do the same thing every night the exact same way before i go to sleep, so i am shocked that the file is aparently corrupted. is there anyway to recover previous deleted/corrupted saves? or is there a way to access or avoid the freezing? is there a 0% percent chance of ever again playing on the file? i would really apreciate any helpful advice whatsoever as soon as possible. Especially because this is my favorite game ever and its over a year until the next one comes out.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Microsoft...

Let me count the ways in which you disapointed me today.  I have a first gen xbox360 that had already failed once; thanks to the lovely red rings of death.

Now, many of you have already forgotten, but Microsoft initialy claimed they would not cover this issue.  Thankfully due to copious unfavorable press coverage and consumer advocacy groups getting involved Microsoft relented and agreed to replace the affected systems, grandmothering everyone that had already paid.  Good job PR guys!

Now the major issue appears to be screen freezing, but not just any screen freeze!  No, the kind with pretty little columns of white cubes!  Unfortunately, my precious xbox has suffered the same fate and failed for a second time!

I spent three hours on the phone with various individuals at the call center to be told that it would be $120 to fix my system!  Outrageous! Criminal! Dispicable!   In addition Microsoft appears to be taking the same stance with this issue that they origionaly took with the red ring of death.

You will be pleased to know that I was told, and I qoute, "This type of hardware failure is expected from wear and age." WTF!  Microsoft, seriously!?!?  Since day one you have marketed this product as a 10-year console, and mine has already failed twice!?!?  Good to know that their budget must go to nice leather chairs and not quality assurance.

Needless to say I am a dissapointed and unhappy customer.  I will locate the statistical data for product failure rates and inquire with consumer advocacy groups about this matter.  I love my xbox360, but not enough to not become involved in a class action law-suit.

Way to go Microsoft! You drink my milkshake... You drink it all up!

stevie said...

hi all, i have a xbox and when i try to connect a second or third controller my console freeze's therfore i have no other option but to switch this off i have been into settings but cant see much to help, this happens on and off line it is ok with one controller and when i connect a second or third on fifa it is only when i get to gameplay this happens it is fine on the menu on fifa, i have changed all the batteries but still does it, can somebody help me out thanks.......

Anonymous said...

i start playing saints row 2 and it freezes in seconds in gameplay.

Anonymous said...

mine always freezes, usually at loading screens, i tried taking the harddrive off but it still does it, the worst game for this is Mass Effect since there are so many loading screens, i think it has something to do with the optic drive because arcade games play just fine for me and demos....

Anonymous said...

my hardrive plays blur fine when its not inside my xbox 360 but when i put my hardrive inside my xbo 360 it freezes blur but not any of my other games

Anonymous said...

I just downloaded an arcade game that just came out today.
I've tried playing it but as soon as i hit play it goes to a black screen then freezes. I tried clearing the cache and I've sent my xbox in multiple times only to have microsoft send me another one thats also broken. Any help with the arcade game would be greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

hey, so ok ill turn on my xbox 360 elite then before the xbox logo comes up it freezes and its air circulation is all good its away from electrical stuff of the ground away from things and the power brick is good also and i cant even get past the logo part. is there any way to do so i can try that go to memory hard dive then hit x twice left bumper then right bumper then x twice again thing. also what happens if i restart the xbox will i loose all the data?

TJ said...

u proberally dont have a answer for this yet but when im playing black ops i get to the home screen and it says multiplayer, campain ect and i click multiplayer and my whole xbox freezes and i have to turn it off and it keeps happening
please send reply to
thanks alot!!!

Jaime said...


I have a game thats called 'Fallout: Vegas'. And I am playing it on my Xbox 360 S.

It is freezing pretty much in the same area of the game, and I dont really wanna restart the game all over cause I am far...welll to far to restart. So removing my HDD is clearly not effective since I'd have to do another hour or two of game play before it gets to that area.

I have just got my damn cd cleaned/repaired a few hours ago or less and It isn't even working yet....

Now....still capably to help me?