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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Change Xbox 360 Live Gamertag

If you want to change the Xbox 360 Live gamertag (silver or gold) , just follow the following steps :

1- Go to Xbox Live section in the dashboard.
2- Highlight your gamertag and press the A button.
3- Then select Edit Profile.
4- Select Gamertag.
5- On the Edit Gamertag screen, follow the steps on the screen.
6- Confirm the purchase of 800 points.
Then you'll find your gamertag changed to the new one.

If it is offline gamertag you will change it For Free.
Just sign in to your profile and select Edit Profile, then select Profile Name.
Then edit the current name to the new one.


Anonymous said...


Can you transfer a gold account to another profile/gamertag?

I just started out with xbox live (the one month free trial that comes with every new console) but stupidly misspelled my gamertag, which annoys me immensely, so much that I'm adamant to change it.

It's not worth paying for the MS points to get it changed since I have no stats... just wondering if there are any remedies for such idiotic blunders.



Anonymous said...

Hi Stan,
Actually you won't be able to transfer the gold membership to another profile. But the good news is that you can create up to ten gamertags on one Xbox 360 and get 1 month free trial on three of these gamertags.
So you can create a new profile with the gamertag you want and you'll get the free trial again.(take care this time and type the correct spelling) :)

Anonymous said...

Hi again,

Thanks very much for the speedy response!

Free trials on three gamertags - that's rather generous isn't it :P

But now I have another query (I hope the answer is not blindingly obvious): choosing to abandon said gamertag means that I have to forfeit everything that was associated with that gamertag/profile (save games, achievements etc)? I was browsing around the dashboard, and it didn't seem like I could change/revert my mistake, or copy save games (just the whole profile it seems), even for offline purposes - has the Live gamertag overpowered and overwritten the preceding profile that was beforehand strictly offline? Hence I would basically have to start from scratch to completely bury all traces of my stupidity?

...I hope I have made sense and not babbled beyond comprehension. Hope you can help me out a bit more!

Thanks again,


Anonymous said...

Hi Stan,

I'm afraid you'll need to start from the scratch as you said. Actually it's not possible to transfer saved games or achievements from a profile to another.
Sorry for the bad news and Good Luck with your new mission.

Anonymous said...

Hi again,

Sorry hadn't checked back in a couple days. Yes, I thought that was the case, but don't you think it might be a flaw (design-wise) not being able to transfer a save game? I can understand the achievements etc, 'cuase that's concerned with actually putting in effort to get something out, but with saved games, I just don't think loading another/someone else's would do anybody much harm.. And also, being allowed 10 profiles per machine, kind of makes it more questionable, since there aren't ten-player (local) games, are there? But this is just what I think :)

Final question that follows on (hope it's okay to ask again!): does deleting my mistake profile disaffiliate my hotmail account that I used to register with? I only have one hotmail/Microsoft mail account, and would seem rather excessive to sign up another one just for the purpose of Live. I'm hoping that once I delete said profile, I'll be able to re-assign it to a new Live account. (Otherwise there's no point in deleting it..)


Anonymous said...

Hi Stan,

Nice to hear from you again.
As we said before you won't be able to transer your saved games from a profile to another. Sorry for the bad news again.
And regading the hotmail account (Live ID), you should use a different email for the new profile as each gamertag should have a separate Live ID.
Actually system-wise when you delete your Xbox 360 Live profile, the Live ID associated with it isnot deleted from the system.
If you have another email than the one you used on the previous gamertag you can use it as Live ID.
to do so try the following steps:
1- Go to
2- Under Sign up today, Go to Use an e-mail address you already have
and click get started. Follow the steps on the screen.

I hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

Hi again,

Sadly I've been busy and away from my xbox for a while now, so haven't had time to write back either.

Thanks so much for all your help, and I will try that last link you gave. I will no doubt visit the blog again if I have any other queries!


Dustin Chok said...

I'm having a similar problem.

I would like to delete my xbox live profile, and create a new one that is linked to the same Windows Live Passport.

From what I've read, this is not possible, correct?

If I want to change the gamertag, I have to either purchase points, or use a different email?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

You need to use another Windows Live ID for the new gamertag.
And if you want to change the gamertag, you have to purchase Microsoft points to change it(800 MS points).

Bye now,

Anonymous said...


Think my query falls in this thread somewhere!

I've just hooked up to Xbox live with my 360 and asked it to find my old details. It found them as "Time Wolf".

Now my current gamertag with all saves/achievements etc is "Timewolf" - how do I relate the two?



Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,

I'm afraid you won't be able to link the two Live gamertags.
Each one of them will be having separate scores and acheivements.

You can decide now which one you'd like to keep. You can continue with the one that has more scores.


Anonymous said...

I will continue with the one that has most scores. Unforunately that's the one that hasn't got an account attached to it.

Does that mean I need to cancel the one that does?

Time Wolf - old gamertag with my old account and has no gamerpoints etc.

Timewolf - new gamertag but doesn't have live account associated. I want to continue with this. How do I let live know that this is still me?

Can you help!?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,

First of all, about your old account "Time Wolf" it's no matter whether you cancel the account or not unless this is a yearly subscription for Xbox Live using a credit card, because that's the only case you'll get a refund for the amount you paid if you still in the first 2 months of the subscription.

But you can't change the subscription to move to the new gamertag.

Timewolf the new gamertag if it's not on your HHD you just need to recover it, use this page:

hopefully that will help,

Unknown said...

hey i need help. i was tryin a few months ago to change my old email that its stucked to my current gamertag. so i saw this and i though... if i change my gamertag cani change the email to?


Anonymous said...

Hi Robert,

I'm afraid you won't be able to change the email (Live ID) attached to your gamertag.
You can change the gamertag for 800 Microsoft points but the Live ID will stay the same.

If you want a new gamertag and a new email you can create a new online profile.


Anonymous said...

Hi , I signed up on with a gamertag but only on a silver account before I signed up through my xbox 360 with a different gamertag, my e-mail address is used for both my gamertag and the gamertag I signed up on through my xbox 360. Im trying to access my profile on for my gold account from my 360 but everytime I put my email address in it signs in with my silver account with nothing on it just a name, can you help?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Let me first tell you something, It's not possible by any mean to have 2 Gamertags with the same Email associated to both of them.

So, I believe there might be a misunderstanding on your side because when you create a gamertag it asks you twice for an Email, one of them to be used as a contact Email address which is the Email that Microsoft contact you through and the other is the Live ID which is your online ID.

The Live ID is unique, you can only use the Email as a Live ID for one Gamertag but not for 2 as you said.

You might have your Email assigned as a Gamertag for the Silver account you created on but as a contact Email for the account you created on your Xbox 360.

So, please contact Xbox 360 customer support and ask for the Email that is assigned as a windows Live ID for the account you created on your Xbox 360.

Hopefully that will be resolving your issue, and please feed me back.

See you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, so my question may be fairly basic...but I have exhausted myself in search of an answer for this. I have an old email account associated with my XBL account and wish to simply migrate the gamertag to a new Live ID. Is this even possible? I know I can't unlink the gamertag from the old one, but I keep reading about how I can just move the gamertag to a new email. Any suggestions/steps would be great.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Basically I was asked this question several times and I always say the same answer.
If you check the above comments you'll find that till now we don't know a way to change the Live ID linked to a gamertag and if you want to have a new Live ID you'll need to have a new gamertag.

Sorry for the bad news :(
I wish I could help.

Robert Newton said...

Okay, Microsoft in their wisdom forced me to change my Live ID due to an error on their servers.

It affected all Live users with a .mac address as their ID.

However, after a few days I was able to sign back in with my .Mac ID to Live Messenger.

Unfortunately my XBox Live Gamertag is now associated to the new ID that Microsoft forced me to create.

I don't want it to be. I want my Gamertag to be associated to my old ID as it was before Microsoft "migrated" my details.

Considering this is Microsoft's fault, how do I do it?

Anonymous said...


I recently connected my xbox live account to my xbox so i could play halo 3 with others, i had a normal account not connected to live so i deleted that account to make room for my live account but now whenever i save to my live account it doesnt save and i have to start again. is there a problem with my account or the game or my xbox?

Anonymous said...

Hi Robert,

Acctualy I know that the Live ID associated to a gamertag can't be changed. I believe that you'll have to use the gamertag with the current Live ID.

But if Microsoft helped you to change the Live ID before they can assist you to change it to the old one now.

Good Luck,

Anonymous said...


Quick question as I'm confused (easily done). I changed my xbox live gamertag for 800points from one name to another. After doing this the next time I went to play Halo 3 it asked me to start a fresh campaign even tho on my hard drive is the file for the saved game.

Does this mean because I changed my gamertag that there is no way of playing Halo or any other games from where I left off? I'm guessing the saved data is under my previous gamertag name??

Thanks for your help.

Anonymous said...

Hi Roland,

Actually if you change the name of your gamertag it's supposed that the saved games under the previous name will stay there as you changed only the name not the whole profile.
It's so weird what happened to your gamertag.
So you can try to clear the cache.

Just try the following steps:
Go to system then memory then hard drive then press Y to view the device options screen and on the controller press X then X again then left bumper then right bumper then X then X again.

I hope that helps and feed me back with the results.

Bye now,

Anonymous said...


Cheers for the tip but unfortunately it didn't work. I ran the routine maintanence and the xbox said clearing cache but on loading Halo 3 again it still askes me to start Solo Game.

Viewing the saved file on my hard drive it says the owner is my new gamertag but for some reason my old gamertag is listed in the heading.. Will this have something to do with it. Do I need to adjust the saved file to read my new gamertag in the heading somehow...?

Thanks for all ya help.


Anonymous said...


Just some more info... I saved a new profile and now it lists my new gamertag in head and as the owner so it must have something to do with my old gamertag in the heading of the saved file. Do you think it's an issue from Bungie's end that my just take time to update?

If not then I guess I have 4 levels to do again.... :o(

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Roland,

It's supposed that the Xbox only shows the new gamertag's name.
It seems now that it sees them as two gamertags.
With online profiles it should show the gamertag with the new name.
Or it might be that the new gamertag's name is not effective yet.
You can go on and sign in with your Live ID and it'll show you the gamertag and you'll now if the new name worked or not.
If the new gamertag's name is there. You can ask Bungie if there's anything to do from their side.
Also you can try to delete the gamertag and then recover it again.
I mean delete the profile only not saved items.
So go to memory then hard drive and choose the profile you'll delete and "delete profile only"

And tell me what happens.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm having the same problem as Roland. I was playing Halo 3 and was about to finish level 8 when I decided to sign up for XBL to play multi-player. However, the gamer tag I had used locally was already taken on XBL, so I had to pick a new one. It changed my local profile along with the name so I still have my achivements, but it didn't rename/copy over my Halo 3 saved game, forcing me to start over at the beginning!

Viewing saved games I see the old saved game (my old gamer tag listed as the name, but owned by my new gamer tag) but I can't copy or rename it. What can I do to get it back?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

You say that you were playing offline and then you wanted to sign up for Xbox Live to play Mulit-player.
So your profile was an offline one and you can't migrate your offline acheivements and scores to the new online profile.
What you have to do is to merge the offline and the online profiles.
Now follow the steps on this link:

Try and let me know what happened.

Bye now,

Anonymous said...

Hello there, i was looking over the posts and i find myself in the same sitiation. my saves are on one profile and live is on another. surely if i wer to delete the profile with live on it i could re-assign xbox live to my old file with the game data on it. Are there going to be any upgrades on live to do such a thing?
unlikely i know.

Anonymous said...

Hello there i seem to be having the same problem that i have xbox live on one profile and all my game memory on another profile.
surely if i were to delete the account with live on it i could re-apply xbox live onto the profile with all my games. or the other way round with applying th games to the live account.
Will there be any updates that could influence this?
Kind Regards Dave

Anonymous said...

Can my gamertag be my old profile? this would help a lot, and would i need the 800points to do this?
Thanks Dave

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,

The solution for this case is to merge your offline and online profiles so try the steps over the following link:

It's supposed that after you do that merge you'll be having one online profile with all scores.
And you can use your old gamertag if it wasn't taken by someone else on Xbox Live.
I think you'll need Misrosoft points to do so.
But read the steps on this link carefully before doing anything to make sure you'll get what you want.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for replying so quickly.
I have ordered the 2100 points so that i can try this. Hopefully it will merge and i can play my old saves online.

I will let you know weather it works or not as and when try it.

Thanks once again Dave

Anonymous said...

xbox 360 help said:
You say that you were playing offline and then you wanted to sign up for Xbox Live to play Mulit-player.
So your profile was an offline one and you can't migrate your offline acheivements and scores to the new online profile.
What you have to do is to merge the offline and the online profiles.
Now follow the steps on this link:

I say:

The article you referenced says it only applies if the following are true:

• You have achievements in an offline profile that you want to keep.
• You created a gamer card at before you joined Xbox LIVE.

So it doesn't apply to me, because I did not create a gamer card at before I joined Xbox LIVE.

Here's my situation:

• I have achievements in an offline profile that I want to keep. We'll call it ProfileA.
• I signed up for Xbox LIVE while signed in as ProfileA. However, then gamertag ProfileA was already taken, so I had to change the name during the signup process.
• After several attempts, I finally found a name not already in use. So I signed up for Xbox LIVE with gamertag ProfileB.

Now, on my local console, I don't have ProfileA anymore, I only have ProfileB. When I view ProfileB's achievements, I see all the achievements I earned under ProfileA. However, I can't use them. For example, one achievement I earned was "completed Halo 3 level 7". But when I go to start a game in Halo, I have to start at the beginning, all the other levels are locked. Similarly, I can't use the skulls I've found.

What's worse, I had a game saved under ProfileA, but now I cannot resume that game under ProfileB. When I look at the games saved on disk, I see a Halo 3 saved game named ProfileA and owned by ProfileB. I believe that Halo 3 won't let me play it because it only allows ProfileB to play a game named ProfileB, but I can find no way to rename the game.

I want to play the saved ProfileA game and use the saved ProfileA achievements while logged in as ProfileB. ProfileA no longer exists as it was (incompletely) converted to ProfileB when I signed up for XBL.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I don't know how to say this but I'm sorry there is no way you'd be able to play these saved games or have these achievements under these circumstances.

I believe you'll be able to do all of it again, and sorry for the time you'll lose to get so, I know what it feels because I've been through this before too.
Hopefully it will be fun playing it again although I know sometimes it's not, just try to make it so.

See you.

Unknown said...

is there a way to change my xbox live ,from one profile on my xbox to another profile on the same xbox?

Anonymous said...

i REALLY need help!! i would really like to erase my achievements and saved games and gamerscore from my account..i need to know if there's a way to do this or if there's a way for xbox customer service to do this....what would happen if i deleted my profile, then created a new account with the same exact name..would it let me create this new account, and if it did, would i lose my already-payed-for xbox live subscription?? sorry if i rambled on too much..Please help! thanx!

Anonymous said...

Hi Blue42hike,

I'm sorry to tell you so but basically it's not possible to migrate your Xbox Live subscription from one profile to another anyway.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Well that's the first time i got a question from somebody asking to remove his achievements and saved games!!

Anyway that's your profile man, but I can tell you no way the customer support would be able to do this for you so you need to do it directly from your Xbox 360 console and I'm going to tell you how.

First go on the Dashboard of your Xbox 360 console to "System" then "Memory" then choose the storage device you have your profile saved on, I believe it will be your Hard Drive.

After selecting your storage device, select "Profiles" then select your profile and choose "Delete" you'll get 2 options here whether to "delete with items" or "delete without items", Items are the achievements and saved games and in your case as you want to delete these items so select "delete with items".

Now your profile is all cleared from your hard drive so you need to recover your profile from Xbox Live, go on your dashboard to Xbox live area and sign out from any signed in profile then you'll get the option to "Recover Gamertag" select this one and enter your gamertag and it's password.

You'll now get your gamertag downloaded back on your storage device but as fresh as new with no achievements nor saved games attached to it.

Feed me back with what you get to ok?


Anonymous said...


I found this blog while googeling and I've got a question.

Because it seems to be impossible to change your child-account into an adult-account I'm thinking of making a new Gamertag. But I got really fond of my Profile name and would like to keep it. So is it possible to change my current profile name into something else and then make my new profile with the old name. Example: My tag is now XXXX. I change it to YYYY and forget about the profile. Then I make a new profile. Now is the XXXX available or will it still be considered as used?

I also have a 2nd question. If I purchased XBLarcade games with my first profile, will I be able to play and earn achievements from these games on another profile after I have deleted the first profile? This is all on the same console, of course.

Thanks a lot,

Anonymous said...

Hi Eddy,

Regarding your first question actually this is not possible you'll lose 800 Microsoft points and even won't be able to get the gamertag you want because if this name is used once on Xbox Live it will be saved on the Xbox Live server and when you try to take it back you'll get a message that it's not available.
You can try create the new gamertag with the same name but make a slight change (I mean use a capital letter, a dot or a number for example)

And for the second question I have some good news for you.
The Xbox Live arcade games you downloaded before using the first profile will be accessable and playable for any other profile on the same Xbox 360.
So you will be able to play and earn achievements from these games on the other profile after you have deleted the first one.
Now go ahead and create the new gamertag.

Bye now,

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've made many gamertags, deleted them, made a new one and I cant play Xbox Live on Halo 3. I don't know what to do. We got 3 profiles set up for xbox live and none of them work. But we can see who's signed in and everything. Just cant play matchmaking.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Quick question. If I decide to use the 800 points to change my gamertag, will I have to create a new Live ID for the new gamertag, or does my current Live ID automatically transfer to the new gamertag I since I never actually cancelled the account?


Anonymous said...

Hi Alex,

Basically, If you change your gamertag you will just change the gamertag!! Nothing more.

You'll keep your Live ID, your account and all your information as it is so your account will not be canceled you're just changing its name.


Anonymous said...

Hi there

I Have an offline account that I have been working up on. I also have an original xbox live account and would like to migrate it for use on the xbox 360.

Is it possible to merge my original live account with my offline xbox 360 one and keep my saves and achievements?

Your help is highly appreciated



Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,

Your question is even appreciated but unfortunately it's not possible to merge both migrated account and offline one.

The only possible case is when you have an offline account and you are creating a new account so there is some steps first you should do before creating the new account and you can merge them both, but for your case I'm sorry as we said it's not possible and I'm sure you'd be able to get to the same achievements once more, right?
C U buddy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Again.

Thanks for the quick reply.

By saying creating a new account and merging them do you mean buy a new xbox 360 gold membership card from the shop and create an xbox live profile with that and somehow be able to merge that one with my offline one?

Otherwise if I migrate I will have to work back up my achievements etc on the migrated one?

Hope that makes sense.

Thanks again


Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,

Basically yes, you can merge an offline profile or exactly keep it's achievements on a new account you just created, otherwise as you said if you migrated the old Xbox profile you'll have to start from the scratch.

and here is how to merge the offline and new created account if you're gonna need it:

Anonymous said...

I have read all the posts and haven't been able to find an answer to my question, it may be there but I don't think this has been asked directly. If I were to purchase the 800 MP and change my gamertag, would my achievements and levels in a game such as Halo 3 remain or be erased? In essence the question is are the achievements and levels attached to ones gamertag or LiveID (which I have come to believe remains the same after a gamertag change). Thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

Hey There,

I've had a look through all the comments above and i'm in a similar situation, but kind of different at the same time!

I've tried to understand the situation to see if it's possible or not, but i just keep confusing myself so i thought maybe you could help?

I've had an xbox for about a year, but only recently decided to go on live. When i created my Live account i couldn't have the gamertag which i've always used as it was already in use (Keith) so i changed it to one which was not in use (shgrz2).

This meant i now have one 12 month live subscription to the gamertag Shgrz2 but all my achievements are under gamertag Keith.

All i want is to link the two together, which i know is not possible. So i'm wondering what can i do now?

I've changed my profile from Keith to Shgrz which was formerly Shgrz2 (had to use 800 points)and i can now use this on live as i got 1 months free subscription to live when i made my account Silver.

What can i do now? because i have 2 gamertags, both with live. It's just one of my tags (Shgrz)has 1 months and the other (Shgrz2) has 12 months.

Can i get a refund on my Shgrz2 profile for live and then re-subscribe to 12 months live on my Shgrz account? I know this way i'll lose my Windows Live e-mail address, but i don't think there is any other way... is there?



Anonymous said...

Hi can you have one xbox live gold account logged in to first player and another gold account logged in to second controller and play a game like halo 3?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Basically if you change the gamertag you won't lose your achievements and scores because actually your profile and your Live ID stay the same, what changes is only the name.


Anonymous said...

Hi Keith,

You're just asking if you can get a refund for Xbox Live on "Shgrz2" and then re-subscribe to 12 months live on "Shgrz"
Basically in the UK if you subscribed for 12 month using a credit card you can cancel your subscription within the first 60 days and get a full refund for the 39.99 UK pounds.
But this is for Credit card 12 months subscribers only. If you used a prepaid card or subscribed for any other plan (1 or 3 months) there is no way for a refund.

If you are a UK customer that's how it goes. If you're not you can contact Xbox support and check with them the policy for your country.

Hope this was useful.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Regarding the question how to make 2 players play a game like Halo 3.
I belive you want to play a multiplayer game.
Go to this link and you'll know the steps to create a match and invite a second player to join you:
And enjoy your game.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Support!

One last question (I promise!)

If i did manage to get a refund, and then re subscribed to a 12 month Live subscription, would i lose all my online scores??



Anonymous said...

Hi Keith,

Nice to hear from you again.
Sorry to say that but your scores and acheivements on this gamertag will be lost because this online profile will be cancelled.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I recently bought a xbox 360 and I tried to migrate my old gamertag blackzilla420, but after it asked me to enter my windows live ID it says its associated with another gamertag. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Thanks, Dave

Unknown said...

i recovered my gamertag on a friends console and i cannot seem to recover it on my own console. it says the windows live id is unavailable @ the moment.

could you please help me

Anonymous said...

Hope anyone can help..

I have a 12 month subscription and i was wondering am i able to make a new Live Account and transfer that subscription to it or am i gonna have to make a new Live account and get another subscription.



Anonymous said...

how do?

how can i get two xbox live gamertags on the one xbox? one for me and one for my brother??

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,

Sorry for the delayed respond I was sick for the last couple of days.

As you said so, this live ID (your Email) is already associated with another gamertag that have been created before, whether you've created this gamertag and you can't remember or somebody else might had your password before and created this gamertag.

At any case you'll have now to use another Live ID than this one, so if you don't have one you can just go to and sign up even for a free Windows Live ID and use this new one with your gamertag.

Please let me informed with any update, Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Escobar600,

Well, the first reason for this to happen is a failure in a part of your Xbox Live test so please test your connection and make sure all parts of the Test is confirmed.

Then make sure that when it ask you to enter your Live ID and password you're putting it in the correct form and to check this you can log in to you Live ID account on your PC first on

Also if that is not working you can wait for a day or something and try again (I believe you already have been waiting for this time).

Please feed me back with any updates.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,

Subscription for Xbox Live can't be transfered, you'll have to make a new Live ID and get a new subscription.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

To create a new gamertag you'll need first to sign out from your original gamertag that you're signed in with and you'll find that option on the Xbox Live area on your dashboard.

After signing out click on the guide button and you'll find that option.

See you.

Anonymous said...

I have a xbox live account. I thought it may have been corrupted so I deleted it. I made a new one with a completely different name. Never been online with it so it's not registered. Can I change the name of my new to what my old one was and connect to xbox live?

Anonymous said...

800 points? you've got to be kidding. the 50 dollars a year isn't enough? jeez..

Anonymous said...

Hi Mater,

I'm sorry to tell you so but it's not possible to go online with the same name of the old gamertag anymore.

but here is the good news you can still recover your old gamertag from Xbox Live servers, even if it was corrupted before supposed that deleting it and recovering once more will resolve the issue, so sign out from the gamertag you're signed in with now and you'll find the option to recover your gamertag showing on the Xbox LIve Area.

If you don't wanna do so or if it doesn't work at the end you can just go online with the new gamertag after changing its name to a most closer name to your old one even a capital letter instead of a small one would be enough as a change.

Anyway if you have any further inquires please don't hesitate to ask me.

Travis said...

Hey, I tried to sign on to xbox live yestereday and it wouldn't let me. After many attempts a screen popped up telling me that my Gamertag violated the code of conduct and that I needed to change it.

Well I followed the menu to change it but it wouldn't let me because I needed to sign in to Xbox live to do it. But I can't sign in to Xbox Live because of my violating gamertag... was this just not a complete thought by LIVE or what?

I called customer support and followed the protocol, I tried everything to make sure that my live was working, I created a new silver account, cleared my cache, made sure my internet was working, etc... Nothing worked.

How can I change my Gamertag if they aren't letting me sign into LIVE?

Travis said...

Hey, so I tried to sign into Xbox Live the other day but it wouldn't let me. After many attempts it finally told me that my Gamertag violated the code of conduct and that I needed to change it.

I followed the screens to change my Gamertag but it wouldn't let me because I needed to sign onto LIVE to do it. But it won't let me sign onto LIVE because of my violating Gamertag. Was this just not an idea that wasn't thought through?

I called customer support and followed the typical protocol, clearing the cache, checking to see if my internet was working, recovering gamertag, etc....
Nothing worked

How can I change my Gamertag if it won't let me onto LIVE to do it?

ypersico said...

We recently changed our gamertag. Afte doing this we were able to access our achievements and awards and game data for Halo 3, our multi=player data for Phantasy Star Universe Online, but not our single player data, our Player Data and versus log for Dead or Alive, but not our unlocked characters and costumes, and we lost all our Tenchu Z and Los Planet games save data. Is there anyway to receover our lost data? Thank you in advance-

ypersico said...

Is there a way to restore or recover lost game data when we changed our gamertag?

Anonymous said...

I read the posts but not sure if they helped me in any way so i`ll explain and see if anybody can help? Ok im wondering whether i can have my gamertag associated with MY own windows live account as right now my gamertag is under my Brother in Laws email account and as he lives far away now i have to keep calling him for his email n password for when i had to recover my gamertag etc. I rather just have it under my email so i dont have to bug him so can it be done?? if so i`d like to hear ur suggestions Thanx...

Anonymous said...


I have an account named Shadow Unit but I recently changed the name. Now, I would like to change my current account, Shadow Unit 2, to just Shadow Unit. So just with out the number "2". When I try to change it in the dashboard it says that name is in use even though I changed the name. When I try to send a message to "Shadow Unit" it the name does not exist. The system is contradicting itself. Could someone please help?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Basically till now I don't know a way to change the Live ID assocciated with an Xbox Live account.
But I think Microsoft will come up with a resolution for this later on.
And once there is a method to do so, you'll find it posted on the blog.

and cheers now,

Thiago said...

I've changed my gamertag and now I can't connect to xbox live because a message appears saying I have to recover my gamertag. When I try to do this I lose my connection. The error code is 8007065B:0. I've followed the instructions to recover my gamertag and it didn't work for me. There is no "Recover with Original Xbox Info" option at the onscreen instructions, even when the gamertag wasn't previously recovered.
I hope you can help me

Anonymous said...


I was forced to change the name "BananaAss" so I changed it to "BananaAzz". I had to do a recovery and now I have the new profile BananaAzz but when I press "Sign in" it just kicks me back to the dashboard so I can't sign into live. I have Xbox Live gold and i have a few more months left.

Anonymous said...

Hi Xbox Live Help...

Is there any way of changing my Windows Live ID on my gamertag?

That is all, and thx.


Anonymous said...


Is there any possible way to completely delete a gamertag?

I accidentally made a new silver gamertag on my son's profile (he isnt happy because he has 8000 gamerscore on that profile) and he wants me to get rid of it, but i have no idea, or neither does he!

Please Help?! Im in trouble if i cant get rid of it =/



Anonymous said...

Hi Thiago,

Do you want to recover your gamertag from Xbox 360 to Original Xbox (Version 1) or what?

Anonymous said...

Hi "Banana",

Basically it might be something with your Xbox Live connection.
So try to test your Xbox Live connection and see which part fails then follow the steps on its page on the blog.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

Hi Merv61,

Basically till now I don't know a way to change the Live ID assocciated with an Xbox Live account.
But I think Microsoft will come up with a resolution for this later on.
And once there is a method to do so, you'll find it posted on the blog.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

Hi again its Merv.

I was trying myself to change the Live ID last night after commenting here.

It is now possible!

All you got to do is this :

Go on the Xbox 360 Dashboard and click on the picture with your gamerscore and rep etc.

Click on "Account Management"

From here all you have to do is go to "Windows Live ID" and then follow the instructions.

Thanks again for the quick reply


Anonymous said...

I have no problems with my xbox live connections.


Anonymous said...

sorry sorry sorry I mean I can't Connect To Live because nothing happens. i check xbox live if it works and it does, everything works.


ps: please tell me what to do...

Anonymous said...

Hey, I tried to sign on to xbox live yestereday and it wouldn't let me. After many attempts a screen popped up telling me that my Gamertag violated the code of conduct and that I needed to change it.

Well I followed the menu to change it but it wouldn't let me because I needed to sign in to Xbox live to do it. But I can't sign in to Xbox Live because of my violating gamertag... was this just not a complete thought by LIVE or what?

Anonymous said...

Allright, I seem to have a different sort of issue then what has been discussed, I have my profile which I signed up for XBL, the free month subscription, I am not 18 but I want my XBL account to think that I am because it wont let me download any M rated content, even though I am 17, I would like to keep all my saves on my current profile, I have read that there is no way to transfer saves from my Profile to a new profile, thats correct right?

Anyway I am willing to do whatever to be able to get M rated content, My question is...that if I cancel my xbox live account, can I use that same profile for a different account? Or do I have to start from scratch, I dont care about using the same gamertag or anything, I can change it, I just want to use the same offline profile.

Sorry for rambling, any help will be great.

Anonymous said...

Hi Banana,

It might be Xbox Live server temp issue as there is an Xbox Live outage these days.

Anonymous said...

Hi 17 years old gamer,

Wy don't you try link your gamertag to another live ID (one with age 18 or more) and here are the steps:
- Go on the Xbox 360 Dashboard and click on the picture with your gamerscore and rep etc.
- Click on "Account Management"
- From here all you have to do is go to "Windows Live ID" and then follow the instructions.

If that didn't help you can create a new Live ID but make sure you make your age 18 or more and then create your online gamertag using this Live ID (this way XBL will think you are 18 or more)
After that you can merge the offline and the new online profile.
Go to this link and you'll get the steps:

I'm not sure if this will work or not. But give it a try.

Anonymous said...

So you're saying that xbox live is having abit of server issues? I got disconnected earlier today all of the sudden.

But! My gamertag is totally messed up because I can't even use it offline, i press sign in but all that happens is that the Xbox Guide flips back and nothing happens. I have no idea what is going on.


Anonymous said...

now it's working :)


Anonymous said...

Hey. my question is, that when you set up your account and you click on Silver, can you switch it to gold, AND, from there, when your live runs out< do it switch it's self back to silver? or are you stuck with rather,
a) a silver Gamertag
b) a gold Gamertag

Anonymous said...

i was playing xbox and my friend wanted to use my live account, but use all his cars on his game or whatever he was crying about. so he took my wireless adapter and tried to recover my gamer tag onto his xbox. message popped ups said it was unavailable. so i tried signing onto my xbox and it wouldnt let me sign it and told me i had to recover my tag onto MY 360. so now i am p.o.ed and still trying to get my gamertag back. everything is spelled correctly. PLEASE HELP!?

Anonymous said...

Hi cadjuice,

If your account is silver, you can set it to gold any time but it'll stay gold if your subscription is on a Credit card unless you call Xbox support and ask them to cancel it for you. This way it'll downgrade to sliver.

But if your subscription was using a Prepaid card, once the subscription ends you'll be downgraded automatically to silver unless you buy a new prepaid card.


Anonymous said...


I have quite alot of gamerscore on my offline account and not much on my online account (i have a online and offline account with different names) and i wondered if you can change your offline account to your online account without paying for another subscription

Thanks chris

Anonymous said...

I have a question I currently got 12 month subscribtion card and put it in my account with everyone of my achivements , games , and rank in halo 3, but my 7 year old brother accidentaly deleted my account , so as reading this blog do I haev to recover my accound , and when I do will it still have my 12 month subscribtion in it or will I haev to buy a new one , and another question , by recovering my gamertag , will I have to restart my achivements and my history in halo live ranking .

pls help me in advance joseph

Anonymous said...

I have a question I just had a 12 month subscribtion , which I entered in my gamertag which I use only , but my little brother deleted my gamertag , now as I read I can recover my gamercard , but by recovering my gamertag , will I still have my 12 month subscribtion , and will my achievemnts be gone , and will I have to start from the start , and I also had a profile for halo live and a rank will I haev to start from scratch as a new playerm, with the same gamertag , or will my current rank still be there pls help . (sorry for mispells and extra writing )

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

Basically what you can do is to merge your offline gamertag with a new online gamertag. But in your case I don't think it's possible to make your offline account an online one. (Unless you create a new online gamertag on your Xbox and this way you'll pay for a new subscription)

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

Hi joseph,

Don't worry, just recover your gamertag you'll have all your online scores and you'll also find your subscription still there.

Cheers :)

Anonymous said...

I heard that you can change your windows live id on your xbox 360 gamertag by going to account management and click windows live id and i have done that and followed the steps but when i get a little bit further when i click "yes i do" have another email address the next screen appears saying type password for old account but straight after i see that screen a an error appears saying can't connect to xbox live even though i am connected to xbox live and i have been trying to do this for the past week and i think it is because the old email address assigned to the gamertag was my brothers but he hasn't used that email address for about one year now and i think there is a windows live thing where if you are offline for 90 days your account will expire also i just got my chat pad which why i really want to connect my gamertag to my msn account AND ANYHELP WOULD BE GRATEFULLY APPRECIATED !!!!!!


Unknown said...

Well I wanted to know if i change my gamertag will I ever be able get back the old gamertag

Anonymous said...

Hi Again

Thanks for your help ill just have to deal with it then

i think im going to start my games from scratch and work up my online tag


Anonymous said...

Good luck Chris.

Anonymous said...

Hey i was wondering, im trying to recover my gamertag called gr1mygr3gg. when i do it says this gamertag is associated with my first gamertag dedelos. it wont let me get back gr1mygr3gg. just that one.

could it be because i canged it using microsoft points and i have to do that all over again?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Basically it should recover your gamertag. But you have to make sure you enter all the information correct (Gamertag, Live ID and these stuff)

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

Hi today i deleted my old xbox gamertag and it had all my saved files on and stuff but i kept the files and there stil on my memory but i cant use them with my new gamertag is there anyway i could get my gamertag back i cant remeber my live id though and what is the point in giving the option of keeping the old files if you cant put them onto your new gamertag they just take up space.

Hope you can help


Anonymous said...

Hi Conna,

What I suggest is to contact Xbox Support to help you with that. They'll ask you about some information related to the gamertag you want to recover and if you answer their questions they can give you the information you can't remember.
I believe this would be the best solution.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...


As i connected to live (via the wireless router) for the frst time, it signed me out but didnt sign me back in, as i didnt realise it had signed me out.

i followed the steps on the xbox website regarding live set up, but it failed to mention that you must be signed into your profile at the time of subscription.

As my free passes didnt work i decided to just sign up to xbox live for 1 year using my credit card.

Me being all excited didn't think about it and thus i have created a new profile for xbox live.

What i was wondering was, if there was anyway i could be refunded so that i can activate the correct profile.

I noticed at the beginning of the thread you said

'unless this is a yearly subscription for Xbox Live using a credit card, because that's the only case you'll get a refund for the amount you paid if you still in the first 2 months of the subscription'

I wasnt sure if that meant i'd be eligable for a refund or not.

Its really annoying because it didn't say it in the instructions and i didnt spot it and i will loose my gamerscore and my achivements.

Any help wuld be greatly appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I'll try to clarify more.
I meant that you only get your money back if:
1- You were using a credit card
2- You subscribed for 1 year
3- Yu are still within the first 0 days of the subscription

So if you meet these conditions you can call Xbox support and ask them to cancel your subscription and they'll refund you the money but check this with them first.
Otherwise it won't be possible.

And basically Microsoft never mention this. I was only helping.

Good luck and Cheers now,

Anonymous said...


I got my xbox about a year ago, and thought i'd wait a bit until i decided to go to Xbox Live (for some reason i cant remember, dont ask).

So for a year i've been playing, racking up lots and lots on my gamerscore, and tonight i've just set up an Xbox Live account (seeing as the other one is HDD and not live).

This Xbox live account though - has nothing. No game saves, no gamerscore etc.

Is there any way to move my stuff from the old HDD account (with everything on it) to the new one connected to live (with nothing on it)?

Thank you,


Anonymous said...

Hi Gaz,

Here is a link which will help you with merging your offline profile with a new online one you'll create:

Hope it helps,

Anonymous said...

hello i was wondering if you can change you email adress on your gamertag because i used my mates email on my gamertag and when i sign in i go on his msn and i want to go on myn.

luke said...

i was hoping you can change your email on your gamertag because i put my mates email in and i want to go on my msn when i sign into xboxlive thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi Luke,

Do you mean you want to change the Live ID?
If yes, Here's how to do so:
Go on the Xbox 360 Dashboard and click on the picture with your gamerscore and rep etc.
- Click on "Account Management"
- From here all you have to do is go to "Windows Live ID" and then follow the instructions.

Hope this helps

luke said...

i am trying to put the internet on my xbox 360 using my pc it works but the DNS doesnt seem to work and i want to no what to do
ty for reading... Luke

Anonymous said...

Hey hows it going?
Sorry if you have already answered this question, I tried reading all the posts but had a headache by about halfway down. My gamertag smell your ma., which i have had for about 4 years!, has now been banned from xbox live. now when i try to sign in it says i accordance with xbox live policy bla bla my names not allowed so it gives me an option to change it ,which i have now come to terms with in my own way (I was very angry and wanted to throw the xbox in the bin)so when i choose the change gamertag option it says must be signed into xbox live can you see my pickle ? i have phoned them and i have emailed them but to no avail the really annoying thing is that i have fallen in love with watching avi movies from my computer streamed onto the xbox but as i cant sign into xbox live i cant use the downloaded update to do just that. any ideas? or even just some sympathetic conformation that I'm not going mad and that microsoft has maybe treated me unfairly

Anonymous said...

Hi Luke,

Try the steps on the below link on the blog:
Go under ICS and you'll find the steps to sort this out.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

Hi Banned gamer,

First of all sorry to hear that you're going through this hassle of banning. And I hope you'll find a way out to stream movies and music on your Xbox 360.
Basically there are two types of banning:

1- You might get a message that your gamertag is banned for a specific period of time (a week for example). That would be good as once this period is finished you'll be able to go online again.

2- If this is not the case, it means that your console itself is banned from Xbox Live and you won't be able to go on Xbox Live again using this console.

I don't know what exactly happened to you. But I understood that what you care about is streaming media and watching movies so why don't you try another gamertag to get the updates.

Hope you'll be online soon ;)

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

Ok i was going to read this whole page but by the time i got about half way down i relized i was going to be late for work so i quit lol.

Anyways my question is "can you have 2 gamertags on the saame xbox without having to pay for another membership"?

Sorry if this has been answered before. Thanks for your time

Anonymous said...

Hi Jordan G,

You mean 2 online gamertags...
So you'll have to pay for two separate memberships.


Anonymous said...

after creating an offline gamer tag for xbox, earn achevments, and then choose to play online, do you loose your acheivments?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

You can keep your offline achievements if you merge this offline gamertag with a new online gamertag(But it should be created on the Xbox360)
Check this link for the merging steps if you decided to do so:


Anonymous said...


I already have a gamertag and I am wanting to get the silver package but would I be able to use that profile to get silver since it has all of my points?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

So you want to keep your offline achievements.
If you merge this offline gamertag with a new online gamertag you'll have a silver membership and all your scores.
Note: It should be created on the Xbox360.
Now check this link for the merging steps if you decided to do so:

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

Hey there,

If I cancel a gamertag will that same name be available for use by anyone? I want to cancel my silver membership that I made (SuperMaBros) and spend 800 MS points on my current gamertag (DaFr3shPrinc3) to change the name to SuperMaBros (I want to keep all the achievements and gamerscores I accumulated)

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

If you cancel a membership, that gamertag won't be available for use. So I believe it's not possible to do what you said.
Sorry for the bad news :(


Anonymous said...


If i get a new harddrive, will i have to recover my gamertag everytime i swap between the two, or is gamertag just recognized by your specific xbox

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy,

I'm afraid you'll have to recover it if you swap the hard drive.

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...

i just got banned for my name in xbox live and when i got the message it said that i have to change my gamertag but how can i change my gamertag? because when i go to edit profile, gamertag it says i have to be signed in but it doesnt let me sign in

Anonymous said...


I recently broke my Xbox Hard Drive transfering it from Xbox to Xbox, and had to buy a new one. Iv'e purchased a new one and I am trying to recover my gamertag, but i can't seem to remember which windows live account is connected to my gamertag. Is there anyway of finding out which email is linked to my account?

Anonymous said...

I recently broke my Xbox 360 Hard drive. Ive purchased a new one and i am trying to recover my gamertag, but i can't remember which windows live email i used. is there any way of finding out which email is linked to which account?

Anonymous said...

hi there,

could you please help me...

when im logged in messenger on my xbox 360 it says xbox 360: Dashboard (GAT Klutch)

the problem is my gamertags not GAT Klutch anymore because ive changed it to AcA Impreza... is there anyway i can change the GAT Klutch to my changed AcA Impreza?

cheers in advance, Ryan

Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan,

So it's a messenger issue.
Go to the below link on the blog for messenger issues and check number 2:


Anonymous said...

Hi, i have a question, you may have already answered it but trawling through 133 comments takes a while!
Basically, i would like to change my live ID associated with my Xbox, i try it and it says that the email address i have entered is associated with another xbox , what should I do ??

cheers, Joe

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,

Basically you get this error message because the Windows Live ID does not match the Windows Live ID that is associated with the current gamertag (Onlone profile)
So you'll need to enter the Windows Live ID correctly that is associated with your gamertag.
Note: You should be signed in first.


Anonymous said...

Well I was trying to recover my gamertag on a friend's xbox 360, unfortunately there are more than one gamertags created under my windowslive ID. So when I try to recover it it tells me that the gamertag associated with this account is blah blah blah, and instead of letting me recover the other gamertag it just goes back to the last screen. I would like to know how to get my latest gamertag back, and not the first one that I don't use anymore...

Anonymous said...

I would like to delete my achievements and gamerscore, but keep my games progress (cod 4, halo3, guitar hero)? Will the "delete without items" work and will I still be able to play online? Thx!

Anonymous said...

Hi Craig,

Basically if you delete your online profile only from the hard drive without other items, you'll have all your scores & achievements.
And you can recover this online gamertag later if you wnat.
But if it's an offline profile, you'll lose everything associated with it.. And can't recover it after this..


Anonymous said...

I set up the ability to see my msn people on my xbox. the only problem is i work from home and use msn for work. so now my boss can see that i'm on my 360 every time i sign in to xbox live. is there any way to disable the atomatic sign in of msn messenger without turning in my auto sign in for live.

Anonymous said...


I have been informed by Xbox Live that my gamertag was not allowed (inappropriate apparently) and so i clicked on the given option "Change Gamertag". It then said "You must sign into xbox live to change your gamertag". So I tried to sign in, then it said "You must change your gamertag before signing in." So I clicked Change Gamertag once again, but the process keeps repeating. THEN, I tried a friend's suggestion and attempted to sign in under my old gamertag, but instead, it just created a new one with the same name. Please help,


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Here's how to enable or disable Auto Sign in for Windows Live Messenger on your Xbox 360:

1- Press the Guide button on the Xbox 360 Controller.
2- Click your gamer picture to get the prfile menu.
3- Select "Auto Sign-In"
4- Select "Enable automatic Sign-In for Windows Live Messenger" or "Disable automatic Sign-In for Windows Live Messenger"

And below is how to change your Windows Live Messenger status on your Xbox 360:
1- Press the Guide button on the Xbox 360 controller.
2- Select "Personal Settings" then press the A button.
3- Select "Online Status" then press the A button.
Now you can set your online status for Xbox LIVE and for Windows Live Messenger to any of the below:
- Online
- Away
- Busy
- Appear offline

1- You can set your status as you like. for example you can “Appear online” for all Xbox LIVE friends but “Appear offline” for your Messenger contacts.
2- Your Windows Live Messenger online status setting will be saved even after you restart the console.
3- Your Xbox LIVE online status will always reset to Online when you sign in again.

Hope this helps you.
And Good Luck with your boss ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi, How can i change my server cause it keeps disconnecting me from GTA IV online games and im getting fustrated havent gotten a chance to play online can i change server and how?

Anonymous said...

hi i have a question

can you chnge your local gamer profile to a xboxlive profile if so how because i have a lot of achivements and i dont want to lose them so please tell me
thank you

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

So you want to keep your offline achievements.
You can merge this offline gamertag with a new online gamertag. You'll have a silver membership and you'll keep all your scores.

Now check this link for the merging steps:

Cheers now,

Anonymous said...


I have a question regarding Gamertag Change. I changed my gamertag a few months ago, but now i want to recover my old gamertag since the new one doesn't feel like me. Do i have to wait for a certain amount of time until i can change it back, as it wouldnt allow me to change it back? Also the phone support said something about that, but i couldnt really understand what he said. Would appreciate an answer =)

/Patrik a.k.a Generalen SWE

Anonymous said...

How can i transfer data from a broken online profile to my new gamertag?

My original account tells me i cant go online unless i update my profile, but i need to be able to go online to do that. I then started a new gamertag out of frustration. Can i transfer my saves(i dont care about my gamerscore).

Anonymous said...

Hi Patrick,

Do you mean you want to change the name of the gamertag?
Or recover an old one that you didn't use for a while?

I believe you don't have to wait for any time.
Want to recover the gamertag, just put in you information and it'll be recovered.
Same for gamertag change.

Hope it would be that simple with you.


Anonymous said...

hi im having the same probs as som1 else higher up the page. about 3 days ago i changed my xbox live gamertag to pimpatron 45 and i got home from work today and it said that pimpatron 45 was unavailable because it didnt comply with xbox live. it then said i had to sign in to change my name so i clicked then it loades for like a second then says you have to be signed in to xbox live to reach xbox marketplace ive tried everything checking my connection recovering xbox gamertag but nothing works can any1 give us a hand?



Anonymous said...


When starting out on xBox Live, I put my age as something other than my actual B-Day because my parents were concerned. I accidentally made it so that I couldn't download Mature rated game downloads. I was wondering if I could somehow keep the same gamertag and info, but change the age to allow the downloads


Anonymous said...

Hey. I just figured my question out. I guess that you're supposed to get an e-mail from Windows Live I.D. or something once you subscribe. You go to the following link:
There should be a link on the right side of the page that says, "Edit Your Registered Information" under Common Tasks. A little bit down on this page, you can change your birth year.

Anonymous said...

Hi... My father and i have been trying to fix an bug on the xbox via your support. We try to make my Gamertag enable downloads from the Marketplace as my "dear" father disabled it years ago. When we try to enable it via the Family settings, it says it can't connect to the ID, thats because it's disabled... and my father can't remember the ID name ( Sadly the people can't help us find an disabled Live ID or enable it as none of us know wich it is...

Hope to get an answer soon as we have been trying for weeks. /Lunner

Anonymous said...

Ive got two Live accounts. but due to a mistake in renewing live i spent a year subscription on the wrong account. Is there any way to transfer that subscription to the other account?

Anonymous said...

i have just gotten an xbox 360 and i gotten a new one for christmas and i need to change the birth date on a gamertag i had just created becaue i had put in the wrong date how can i change it???

Anonymous said...

i have an offline gamretag and an online gamertag and i was wondering
if i could use the gamerscore from my offline profile and move it to my online gamer tag. if you can help please reply.

thanks, batroy20

Anonymous said...

When i put the subscription code for xbox live gold it always says i need more credentials and it ask me for my password which i have forgotten and it tells to go to some wedsite i think and the website sends instructions on how to get a new password but the email address i put when i was signing up for xbox live was the same as my xbox live password.Help please

pkmadmatt89 said...


I have a profile o my XBOX with points on etc and I also have a gamertag with XBOX Live. Is there any way that I can link the profile on my XBOX to my gamertag?

Many Thanks
